Sandbox Entitlement to Script Itunes via Nsapplescript

Sandbox entitlement to script iTunes via NSAppleScript

After contacting the Developer Technical Support of Apple, I was able to solve this problem, which is actually 2 problems in one.

First, the entitlements need to have the bundle identifiers properly cased. For iTunes, the entitlements must be like this (note the capital T in iTunes):


Then, the privilege violation will occur unless the AppleScript code includes of source 1 at the end like this :

tell application "iTunes" to add (POSIX file "your/path/to/mp3.mp3") to library playlist 1 of source 1

There you go!

NSAppleScript execution fails in sandboxed app

Turns out the problem was using the bundle id in the entitlements, instead of

Is there an App store entitlement for NSAppleScript(source: do shell script \sudo commands?

you can't do that if the app is sandboxed, arbitrary script execution is forbidden by the sandbox. No sudo allowed.

AppleScripting sandboxed app from another sandboxed app using ScriptingBridge

I filed a tech support incident with Apple about this, and they confirmed that it is a bug. The only workaround they suggested is to hold onto the (valid) instance of SketchApplication returned by the first call to -applicationWithBundleIdentifier: when Sketch is running for later use. This is not really a viable workaround at all in my particular case since the target app is very likely to already be running before the scripting app is launched.

I've filed a radar for this: rdar://27625862.

The other option is to use the sandbox entitlement. I'll do that for now, and hope that I can justify its use for app store review.

Sending AppleEvent fails with sandbox

The failure of the entitlement in seems to be a bug (even using tell application "Calendar" in the script).

However the global temporary exception works:


[NSAppleScript executeAndReturnError:] gives error with script that works in AppleScript Editor

It was one of those stupid mistakes that I figured out while my mind worked on it in the background while I worked at other things.

Sandbox. The app is sandboxed and the entitlements give it access to iTunes Apple Events, but I hadn't added QuickTime Player entitlement. The testing app I built wasn't sandboxed, which was why it worked fine.

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