Nspredicate in Query from Array Elements

NSPredicate IN query from array elements

You would construct a predicate like this:

NSPredicate(format:"connectionType IN %@", yourIntArray)

I hope this is helpful.

How to create NSPredicate with array contains element

You cannot search in an array defined as transformable attribute with a predicate. Better define another entity

class Favourite: NSManagedObject {
@NSManaged var name: String

and a one-to-many relationship from "Address" to "Favourite".

The you can fetch all addresses which have any (i.e.: at least one) favorite equal to the string "a" with the predicate

NSPredicate(format: "ANY favourites.name == %@", "a")

or better with a compiler-checked key path literal:

NSPredicate(format: "ANY %K == %@", #keyPath(Address.favourites.name), "a")

For a case-insensitive comparison you can use

NSPredicate(format: "ANY %K ==[c] %@", #keyPath(Address.favourites.name), "a")

Using NSPredicate with array for cloudKit search

Try replacing:

"Category == %@"


"Category IN %@"

How to get all items with NSPredicate CONTAINS IN array

You almost had it :)

    NSArray *objects = @[
@"itemID" : @1
@"itemID" : @2
@"itemID" : @3
@"itemID" : @4
@"itemID" : @5

NSArray *idsToLookFor = @[@3, @4];
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"itemID IN %@", idsToLookFor];
NSArray *result = [objects filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];

NSLog(@"result: %@", result);

And if you do not want to pass in any array, but write the predicate "in hand", the syntax would be:

NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"itemID IN { 3, 4 }"];

And the result will be:

result: (
itemID = 3;
itemID = 4;

NSPredicate: search for an array of values in relation, NOT

This can be achieved with a “SUBQUERY”:

let fansPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "SUBQUERY(fans, $f, $f.personid IN %@).@count = 0",

The predicate is true for all Rockstar objects which have no related Person object whose personId is in the given list.

Using NSPredicate to search through array of objects

First of all, if you substitute a keypath you should use %K as arg.

Further, I think you are missing the ANY argument in your second query. I think you want a result if any of the tag names contains your textSearch.

To get a better understanding of how predicates work, have a look at the Apple Documentation

I did a quick test and it is still working fine:

NSMutableArray *arrayContacts = [NSMutableArray array];

AMContact *contact = [[AMContact alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *arrayTags = [NSMutableArray array];
AMTags *tag = [[AMTags alloc] init];
tag.name = @"Test";
[arrayTags addObject:tag];

AMTags *tag = [[AMTags alloc] init];
tag.name = @"Te2st2";
[arrayTags addObject:tag];

AMTags *tag = [[AMTags alloc] init];
tag.name = @"No";
[arrayTags addObject:tag];
contact.tags = [arrayTags copy];
[arrayContacts addObject:contact];

AMContact *contact = [[AMContact alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *arrayTags = [NSMutableArray array];
AMTags *tag = [[AMTags alloc] init];
tag.name = @"Test";
[arrayTags addObject:tag];
contact.tags = [arrayTags copy];
[arrayContacts addObject:contact];
NSPredicate *pred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"ANY SELF.%K.name contains[c] %@", @"tags", @"Test"];

NSArray *result = [arrayContacts filteredArrayUsingPredicate:pred];

NSLog(@"%@", result);

NSPredicate on array of arrays where some empty

If you’re interested in a stronger-typed filtering operation, and you’re using the latest Xcode 6.3, you can use flatMap, which will perform a mapping operation that returns arrays on an array of arrays, and flattens the result. Then you can use filter in the subarrays:

// assuming birds is an NSArray containing NSArrays of Bird
if let arrayOfArrays = birds as? [[Bird]] {
let filteredBirds = arrayOfArrays.flatMap { birds in
birds.filter { bird in
bird.common_name.rangeOfString(searchText) != nil

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