Ios/Tvos Playground Fails with "Unable to Find Execution Service for Selected Run Destination"

iOS/tvOS playground fails with Unable to find execution service for selected run destination

Ok, after some struggle, here's the solution.

  1. Clean up the folder ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator
  2. Restart the machine
  3. Try running an iOS Playground, it should work without problems now.

Note: In my case I renamed CoreSimulator to CoreSimulator.old, and after restart a new CoreSimulator was auto-created (so, I just threw away the .old one).

BTW, there is a file ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/device_set.plist with whole list of Simulators under /Root/DefaultDevices. I think this is where the problem was coming from.

Error running playground. Unable to find suitable target device. (iOS Swift)

Try navigating to the Xcode Menu
Window >> devices (shift+cmd+2) a new window will pop up.

On the bottom left, add a new simulator, specifically one running on iOS 8.0 to the existing list.

Restart Xcode.

Swift Playground error - FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain code =4

I tried commenting out most of my code and just having a print("Hello World") line, but that produced the same error as well. So I opened a new playground and copied my code into it. It runs now. Not a very satisfactory solution but at least it allows me to continue working. I assume my playground file had become corrupted.

Playground execution terminated because the playground process exited unexpectedly

A restart of the mac solves the problem. What causes the issue is still unknown.

ios8 playground editor not visible

I think, you accidentally changed the type to "Core Data Mapping Model" in "File Inspector".

Try this:

  1. Open "File Inspector" by View>Utilities>Show File Inspector (option+command+1)
  2. Select Default - Swift Playground from Type pulldown
  3. "Force Quit" Xcode with option+command+esc.


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