How to Remove Optional from String Value Swift

How to remove Optional from String Value Swift

Just like @GioR said, the value is Optional(52.523553) because the type of latstring is implicitly: String?. This is due to the fact that
let lat = data.value(forKey: "lat")
will return a String? which implicitly sets the type for lat.
for the documentation on value(forKey:)

Swift has a number of ways of handling nil. The three that may help you are,
The nil coalescing operator:


This operator gives a default value if the optional turns out to be nil:

let lat: String = data.value(forKey: "lat") ?? "the lat in the dictionary was nil!"

the guard statement

guard let lat: String = data.value(forKey: "lat") as? String else {
//Oops, didn't get a string, leave the function!

the guard statement lets you turn an optional into it's non-optional equivalent, or you can exit the function if it happens to be nil

the if let

if let lat: String = data.value(forKey: "lat") as? String {
//Do something with the non-optional lat
//Carry on with the rest of the function

Hope this helps ^^

Removing Optional in Swift 4

Just unwrap it.

if let temperature = Int(incomeTemp.text!) {
celcjuszScore.text = "\(temperature)"

How to remove optional from a string value in swift?

The problem is in the line

grandtotal = String(describing: grandtotal)

You check for nil but you don't unwrap the value so it's still an optional.
And you are misusing String(describing. Never use it for types which can be converted to String with an init method.

Use always conditional downcast

if success == false {
if let grandtotal = value["total"] as? Double {
self.lblTotalAmount.text = String(grandtotal)

Swift How to remove optional String word

//replace your code with this your are not force unwrapping the symbol

      public func getCurrencySymbolFromCurrencyCode(currencyCode: String) -> String! {
// let currencyCode: String = "EUR"
let locale: NSLocale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: currencyCode)
let symbol = locale.displayNameForKey(NSLocaleCurrencySymbol, value: currencyCode)!
let currencySymbol: String = "\(symbol)"
print("Currency Symbol : \(currencySymbol)")

return currencySymbol

Unable to remove Optional from String

Your line

(String(location?.latitude), String(location?.longitude))

is the culprit.

When you call String() it makes a String of the content, but here your content is an Optional, so your String is "Optional(...)" (because the Optional type conforms to StringLiteralConvertible, Optional(value) becomes "Optional(value)").

You can't remove it later, because it's now text representing an Optional, not an Optional String.

The solution is to fully unwrap location?.latitude and location?.longitude first.

Remove optional keyword while displaying string - Swift

Replace this

releaseDateLabel.text = "\(releaseDateText): \(String(describing: date != "" ? Date.getMMMddyyyyDateFormat(date) : "\(tbaText)" ))"


releaseDateLabel.text = "\(releaseDateText): \(date != "" ? Date.getMMMddyyyyDateFormat(date)! : "\(tbaText)" ))

for safty try

if date != "" {
if let str = Date.getMMMddyyyyDateFormat(date) {
releaseDateLabel.text = "\(releaseDateText): \(str)"
else {
releaseDateLabel.text = "\(releaseDateText): \(tbaText)"

how to remove optional from string i have used following code

When you subscript it will already return optional and you are setting dictionary with value String? means you are getting optional twice also specifying array of AnyObject make it array of [[String:String]] so no need to cast it letter again. Also initialized the strValue with empty string.

var strValue = ""
if let dicArray = array as? [[String:String]] {
for dic in dicArray {
if let title = dic["title"], let value = dic["value"] {
strValue += "\n\n \(title) \n\n\(value)"

Remove optional from string getting from NSNotification

For your current code. It should be:

func getAlertMsg(notification: NSNotification) {
if let string = notification.object as? String {
Helper.showAsAlert(strMessage: string, VC: self)

Also, your notification post should be:

let strMessage = responseVal.value(forKey: "message") as? String NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "RegAlertMsg"),
object: strMessage)

Just pass strMessage. Don't bang (!) it or you app will crash when responseVal.value(forKey: "message") as? String fails.

Swift remove optionals and unnecessary characters iOS

First of all struct names are supposed to start with a capital letter

Just remove the exclamation marks in the struct.

Never declare members / properties as IUO if there is an initializer with non-optional values.

struct Item : Codable {
var title : String
var size : String

init(title: String, size: String) {
self.title = title
self.size = size

Second of all

Never use value(forKey with UserDefaults.

In this case there is a dedicated method data(forKey otherwise use object(forKey or other dedicated methods for scalars (integer(forKey, bool(forKey etc.). However this is not related to the issue.

if let data ="items") {

Finally catch always errors when using Codable and don't misuse the String(describing initializer

  do {
let itemsUser = try PropertyListDecoder().decode(Array<Item>.self, from: data)
print("*************", itemsUser)
} catch { print(error) }

To get rid of the app name in a print statement adopt CustomStringConvertible and add your own description

struct Item : Codable, CustomStringConvertible {
var title : String
var size : String

init(title: String, size: String) {
self.title = title
self.size = size

var description : String {
return "title : \(title), size : \(size)"

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