Class Ckbrowserswitcherviewcontroller Overrides the -Traitcollection Getter... What This Message Means

CKBrowserSwitcherViewController overrides the -traitCollection getter

The answer is here:

The same thread was here and not specific to SwiftUI but this warning can be safely ignored according to Apple if it's a system class like "CKBrowserSwitcherViewController". However, if the class that produces is a custom class, then it's a legit warning to you.

By the way, it's a good idea to update Xcode to the latest version.

MFMessageComposeViewControllerDelegate not being called

It's crashing because your handler object is getting released and deallocated right after the call to handler.sendMessage(), and then a delegate callback is attempted on that now-deallocated object when you try to send or hit cancel. The object is getting released and deallocated because nothing is holding a strong reference to it anymore at the end of application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:.

Since you are creating this object in your app delegate, I would suggest making a property in your app delegate to hold onto this object:

var handler: MyClass?

func application(application: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject], fetchCompletionHandler completionHandler: (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void) {
// instance of class
handler = MyClass()
// call method

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