How to Filter Events Created for the Current Date in the Realm Swift

How do I filter events created for the current date in the Realm swift?

A query in the form of Create == NSDate() will check exact date equality, which will compare down to the second. If you want to check if a date is between a given interval, like checking if it's on a specific day, regardless of the time of day, you could do a BETWEEN check:

let dtSource = datasource.filter("Create BETWEEN %@", [firstDate, secondDate]).count


Here's a full code sample to get all date models for the current day:

import RealmSwift

class Event: Object {
dynamic var date = NSDate()

let todayStart = Calendar.current.startOfDay(for: Date())
let todayEnd: Date = {
let components = DateComponents(day: 1, second: -1)
return components, to: todayStart)!
events = realm.objects(Event.self).filter("date BETWEEN %@", [todayStart, todayEnd])

Filter by day from NSDate in Realm, Swift

So, I find easy way:

  1. Create public extension for String and create function with separate NSDate:

     public static func sepaDate(whatNeed: String) -> String  {
    var currentDate = NSDate()
    let calendar = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier: NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian)

    let dateComponents = calendar!.components([.Day, .Month, .Year, .Minute, .Hour], fromDate: currentDate)
    var forReturn: String = "0"
    switch whatNeed {
    case "day":
    let valu = String(
    forReturn = valu
    case "month":
    let valu = String(dateComponents.month)
    forReturn = valu
    case "year":
    let valu = String(dateComponents.year)
    forReturn = valu
    case "hour":
    let valu = String(dateComponents.hour)
    forReturn = valu
    case "minute":
    let valu = String(dateComponents.minute)
    forReturn = valu
    default: print("Error")
    return forReturn
  2. In Realm class, create separate date:

    dynamic var minute = String.sepaDate("minute")
    dynamic var hour = String.sepaDate("hour")
    dynamic var day = String.sepaDate("day")
    dynamic var month = String.sepaDate("month")
    dynamic var year = String.sepaDate("year")
  3. In ViewController call to predicate

     let dayday = String(
    let monthmonth = String(dateComponents.month)
    let yearyear = String(dateComponents.year)
    let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "day = %@ AND month = %@ AND year = %@", dayday, monthmonth, yearyear)
    generalRecords = uiRealm.objects(GeneralList).filter(predicate)

I hope it's help somebody...

Swift Realm add days to date in filter

I would suggest just storing the actual date you want to query against.

You know the last_record_date and the frequency_days so why not add them together and store that as a date.

For example;

Suppose the last_record_date is 2022-04-01 and frequency_days is 10 (days).

If you add the number of days onto last_record_date, the resultant date is 2022-04-10 (including the 1st).

So store that at a target_date property: 2022-04-10

Any time the either the frequency date or last_record_date changes you can simply calculate a new target date and store that.

I would suggest adding a function to you Realm class to do that for you, and if you need to store the frequency_days and last_record_date you can do that as well.

class Route: Object, ObjectKeyIdentifiable, Codable {
@Persisted(primaryKey: true) var id: Int?
@Persisted var frequency_days: Int?
@Persisted var last_record_date: Date?

@Persisted var target_date: Date?

func changeFrequencyDays(newDayCount: Int) {
self.frequency_days = newDayCount

//do some math to add newDayCount to the last_record_date
self.target_date = //new calculated date

func changeLastRecordDate(lastRecordDate: Date) {
self.last_record_date = lastRecordDate

//do some math to add frequency_days to the new lastRecordDate
self.target_date = //new calculated date

With the above, any time a frequency_days need to be updated or the last_record_date changes, call the appropriate function and that property will be updated along with updating the target_date property.

Unable to filter after Date in Realm swift

You should use:

.filter("\(key) <= %@", newDate as NSDate)

This is calling the overload of Realm's filter method that accepts a format and arguments.

String(format:) is not the right thing to use here, as that just does general string formatting. But here, you want the date to be formatted according to the rules of NSPredicate formats. On the other hand, the key can just be interpolated into the string because the name of the table column doesn't need a special format.

If key comes from a UITextField or something like that, then you might need to beware of injection attacks as well, and validate and/or escape the key properly beforehand.

Filtering by days in the week without time (Realm & Swift)

Try this :

let realmObj = Realm()    
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "Start >= %@ AND End <= %@", start,end)
let results = realmObj.objects(Event.self).filter(predicate)

Filter array of all events and find which event is still going on

You will need to convert them into dates, using DateFormatter, and then use a .filter over the array and have it match on if the current date is in range.

If you have the ability to change the Event class, you can greatly simplify your code if you replace your Event class with the DateInterval class, which does the same thing:

    let minutes = 60;
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "MM-dd-yyyy"

let event1 = DateInterval(
start: "12-12-2016")!,
duration: TimeInterval(20 * minutes)

let now = Date()
if (event1.contains(now)) {
print("Event 1 is still active")

How to set Local Notification for input date on Realm

I do not believe this is directly possible with Realm, alone. However you can just schedule the notification based off the date entered into the database.

Just use:

// Configure the recurring date.
var dateComponents = DateComponents()
dateComponents.calendar = Calendar.current

dateComponents.weekday = 3 // Tuesday
dateComponents.hour = 14 // 14:00 hours

// Create the trigger as a repeating event.
let trigger = UNCalendarNotificationTrigger(
dateMatching: dateComponents, repeats: true)

Realm subquery sorted by Date

It's a shame that date isn't an NSDate property since you could easily just sort by descending order, and then use LinkingObjects to look up the Event in which that Date object belongs:

class Event : Object {
dynamic var description = ""
let dates = List<Date>()

class Date : Object {
dynamic var date = NSDate()
let events = LinkingObjects(fromType: Event.self, property: "dates")

let realm = try! Realm()
let latestDate = realm.objects(Date.self).sorted("date", ascending: false).first
let latestEvent =

Unfortunately, as date is a string, that might not work. You could try and used sorted() on date, but it will be sorting alphabetically, and not chronologically, so you may not get the latest date.

If that's the case, you'll need to manually implement a loop through each Date object, parse it and perform the sorting yourself.

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