Detect Ethernet/Wifi Network Change

test if internet is connected over WiFi or ethernet cable in R

My code is not the most beautiful but it will return a data frame where you can simply read the connection status based on the column "Status" and "Interface Name". The main problem is that you might end up with various Ethernet/WiFi configurations and therefore it is quite complicated to parse ipconfigs output.

My version is based on the simple shell command netsh interface show interface

Here is the code:

netsh_lst = system("netsh interface show interface", intern = T)
netsh_df <- NULL

for (i in seq(1,length(netsh_lst))){

current_line <- as.vector(strsplit(netsh_lst[i], '\\s+')[[1]])

if (length(current_line)>4){
current_line <- current_line[1:3]
current_line[4] <- paste(current_line[4:length(current_line)], collapse = ' ')

if (length(current_line)>2){

netsh_df = rbind(netsh_df,current_line)


names <- netsh_df[1,]

colnames(netsh_df) <- names
netsh_df <- netsh_df[-1,]
row.names(netsh_df) <- 1:length(netsh_df[,1])

My MAC is connected to both Ethernet and Wifi at time,how can i detect from which network is getting acessed

I achieved this by following below procedure

1) networksetup -listnetworkserviceorder , by using this we will network service order of MAC, along with interface to which it is connected

2) route get default | grep interface gives the currently using interface.

By checking current interface with service order, we can know from which interface our mac is accessing internet

How can I know the application is link to wifi or ethernet use java?

You cannot know, you're not supposed to need to know, in application code. At the level Java applications run, there is no difference between networks, all you have is a TCP/IP stack and you can't determine based on that what kind of network you're working on.

You'd have to write something in native code that interfaces with low level operating system functionality (and don't ask me what or how, it's dependent on operating system obviously) to get that information.

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