Nsbutton with Round Corners and Background Color

NSButton Rounded Corners without Subclassing

To enable the CoreAnimation layer you have to insert this line before using it

directionsButton.wantsLayer = true

Edit: To be able to change the color you have to draw a borderless button. Add

directionsButton.isBordered = false

How can I round the corners of only one side of an NSButton in Swift 4?

1) The images you showed are using a simple NSSegmentedControl. Nothing needs customized.

2) What you tried to do wouldn't work anyway; If it could mechanically work, what it would end up doing is merely clipping the drawn content on the left corners. It wouldn't magically fill in drawing on the right, and create appropriate control borders etc.

AppKit controls are not merely CALayers with filled in properties like border, background, etc. They are almost all entirely drawn using Core Graphics via the classic drawRect: method one way or another. The fact that views have a layer is due to layer-backing. There are very few things you can end up doing with the layer of an existing control. To customize them properly, you would override the standard drawing routines in NSView, NSControl, NSCell, etc as appropriate.

NSButton with variable size width, rounded corners

I needed to have a custom button background, here's how I did it. I made an NSButton subclass and overrode drawrect method:

- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect
// My buttons don't have a variable height, so I make sure that the height is fixed
if (self.frame.size.height != 22) {
self.frame = CGRectMake(self.frame.origin.x, self.frame.origin.y, self.frame.size.width,
switch (self.state) {
// Onstate graphics
case NSOnState:
[NSImage imageNamed:@"btnmain_lb_h.png"], [NSImage imageNamed:@"btnmain_bg_h.png"], [NSImage imageNamed:@"btnmain_rb_h.png"],
NO, NSCompositeSourceAtop, 1.0, NO);
// Offstate graphics
case NSOffState:
[NSImage imageNamed:@"btnmain_lb.png"], [NSImage imageNamed:@"btnmain_bg.png"], [NSImage imageNamed:@"btnmain_rb.png"],
NO, NSCompositeSourceAtop, 1.0, NO);

[super drawRect:dirtyRect];

Then I could put the buttons using Interface Builder, and to get the custom graphics I just have to change the class to my new subclass.

Change background color of NSButton

The standard Aqua (pill-shaped) buttons are drawn by the system. They don't have a background color as such. In fact, they are composed of images that Cocoa stitches together to make a coherent button image. So Cocoa can't recolor the images to your liking. Only the default button (the one with Return set as its key equivalent) will have a blue pulsing background.

What it sounds like you want to do will involve subclassing NSButtonCell and doing your own drawing. If you wanted to recolor the button images to get the effect you want, you can use the excellent Theme Park utility to extract copies of Apple's button images and use those. I'll admit to having done this myself in order to "steal" certain interface elements that aren't otherwise accessible, such as the scrollers from iTunes.

How can I make a button have a rounded border in Swift?

Use button.layer.cornerRadius, button.layer.borderColor and button.layer.borderWidth.
Note that borderColor requires a CGColor, so you could say (Swift 3/4):

button.backgroundColor = .clear
button.layer.cornerRadius = 5
button.layer.borderWidth = 1
button.layer.borderColor = UIColor.black.cgColor

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