Getting Dyld_Fatal_Error After Updating to Xcode 6 Beta 4 Using Swift

Getting dyld_fatal_error after updating to Xcode 6 beta 4 using swift

Most extremely weird problems like this can be solved with a Clean & Build (or perhaps relaunch Xcode). You might also consider deleting the relevant folders from ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData.

Swift beta 6 - Confusing linker error message

I got this error even with the new version of Beta6 that was release hours after the bad one got pulled.

I've solved this and other similarly illegible errors by deleting the contents of the Derived folder. You can find where that folder is located by going to Preferences > Locations.

The default path is:
/Users/[your username]/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData

You can also hold Option while the Product menu is open in Xcode, which will change Clean to Clean Build Folder... and accomplish the same task without having to folder-hunt.

Which is the cause for dyld`dyld_fatal_error, a incompatible api on iOS?

Ran to this problem myself trying to reproduce this project using Xcode4.3.2 with SDK iOS5.1. The issue was that the standard project template on Xcode4.3.2 configures for iOS5, which has some features that earlier iOS versions don't support. In my case, the GLKit Framework was being pulled in and was not supported on my iPhone3G running iOS4.2. The error I was getting was just like yours:

0x2fe01080: trap
0x2fe01084: mov r0, r0

Upon closer review of the Console Output you can see what's causing the app to crash:

dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/GLKit.framework/GLKit
Referenced from: /var/mobile/Applications/A60A53B1-F87D-467D-BB0B-82C603049202/
Reason: image not found

The error meant that the GLKit framework was not found in the iOS resident on the target where the app was installed. The framework was being pulled into the build under Project->BuildPhases->LinkBinaryWithLibraries.

So to correct the problem I needed to remove the GLKit framework and all code making references to it. Then the build succeeded and ran on the target device. Hope this helps!

Xcode Couldn't Generate Swift Representation for my own framework

From my experience there are two possible causes for this issue.
The first one is that your framework can't be located. To fix this you need to go to target's Build Settings and add a path to Framework Search Paths either an absolute:


or relative to project directory:


Another possible cause is that the path to your framework contains a space in it. I found that it doesn't matter whether you try to escape it with backslash ../Project\ Name/frameworks or take the whole path in double-quotes "../Project Name/frameworks". The result would be that SourceKit could not load the module.

Note that $(PROJECT_DIR) could expand to a path with a space in it and it would too result in the same error. So it looks like a bug in Xcode/SourceKit (I tried the latest Xcode 7.2-beta3 and the bug is still there).

My repository was on the second hard drive /Voluems/Macintosh HD/Repos. I just renamed the hard drive to HD, so the path looks like /Volumes/HD/Repos and the problem was gone.

iPad 1 dyld Fatal Error

The Social Framework is only available in iOS 6 and later. iPad 1 only supports iOS 5.1.1. For reasons I've never fully understood, the compiler doesn't catch this and let's you try to do things that you shouldn't be able to.

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