Swift 2 Array of Tuples Not Working as in Swift 1

Swift 2 array of tuples not working as in swift 1

You're appending the parameters list, not the tuple itself: you're missing a pair of ().

rows.append((title: "Foo", body:"Bar", icon: "Bas", iconColor: UIColor(netHex: 0x4285f4)))

Swift array to array of tuples

Use zip and map:

let xaxis = ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday"]
let yaxis = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

let tuples = zip(xaxis, yaxis).map { ($0, $1) }

How would I join two arrays using zip but not returning tuples?

Without using Alladinian intermediate map, since it's useless:

let a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
let b = [100, 200, 400, 800, 1600]

let c = zip(a, b).flatMap { [$0.0, $0.1] }

merging two arrays of tuples

You can use a single map to achieve your calls. You call map on weightCalculated, which you know for sure will contain an entry for each day, then check if weightsMeasured contains an entry for the same day or not. If there is a measurement, return the measurement, otherwise return the calculated value.

let mergedWeights = weightsCalculated.map({ todayCalculated->PointTuple in
if let todayMeasured = weightsMeasured.first(where: { $0.day == todayCalculated.day}) {
return todayMeasured
} else {
return todayCalculated

Or you can even write this as a one liner using the nil-coalescing operator to return the measured value if it is found and the calculated value otherwise:

let mergedWeights = weightsCalculated.map({ todayCalculated in return weightsMeasured.first(where: { $0.day == todayCalculated.day}) ?? todayCalculated })

When trying out the above code bear in mind that you had a typo in the variable name weightCalculated, which I corrected in my code.

Tuple containing an array (and assigned as variable) not working?

This should work:

let arrayOfObjects : [myObject] = []
tuples.append(letter:"t", objects: arrayOfObjects)

As you can see, arrayOfObjects is a constant. The problem here might stem from the fact that append expects a constant parameter T, while you are passing a tuple containing a var.
IMHO this is what makes append goes a little crazy, and the compiler gives a crazier error description ;-)

Problems mixing Arrays, Tuples and Closures in Swift

2 and 3's ambiguity seems to be due to Swift compiler bugs, as is using menuItems[0].closure directly which causes compiler segmentation faults.

1 works fine once I remove the parentheses for the tuple, which also seems non-logical.

menuItems.append(title: "any", closure: {})

Anyway I expect this to change/break in future Swift/compiler updates.

How do I create an array of tuples?

It works with a type alias:

typealias mytuple = (num1: Int, num2: Int)

var fun: mytuple[] = mytuple[]()
// Or just: var fun = mytuple[]()

// [(1, 2), (3, 4)]

Update: As of Xcode 6 Beta 3, the array syntax has changed:

var fun: [mytuple] = [mytuple]()
// Or just: var fun = [mytuple]()

Accessing an array of tuples Swift 4

You should do something like this:

class eventCell: UICollectionViewCell {
@IBOutlet private weak var eventTitle: UILabel!
@IBOutlet private weak var descriptionLabel:UILabel!
@IBOutlet private weak var eventImage: UIImageView!

typealias Event = (title:String, location:String, lat:CLLocationDegrees, long:CLLocationDegrees)

var eventArray = [Event]()

override func prepareForReuse() {
eventImage.image = nil

func lool() {
var event = Event(title: "a", location:"b", lat:5, long:4)
eventTitle.text = eventArray[0].title

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