Firebase Cloud Firestore - Initializing a Collection

Firebase Cloud Firestore - Initializing a Collection

What you're doing is unnecessary. There is no formal method required to create a collection. A collection simply springs into existence when you first write a document into it. You can listen on an empty collection with no problems, and listeners should be invoked even if the collection wasn't visible in the dashboard at the time it was added.

Firestore default users data initialization

That's what a transaction is for (definitely read the linked docs). In your transaction, you can read the document to find out if it exists, then write the document if it does not.

Alternatively, you may be able to get away with a set() with merge. A merged set operation will create the document if it doesn't exist, then update the document with the data you specify.

firebase.firestore() is not a function when trying to initialize Cloud Firestore

I fixed it by importing multiple libraries: firebase and firebase/firestore. That's because the firebase core library does not include the firestore library.

import firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/firestore';

Android firebase firestore how to initialize recyclerview

I'm not sure what is the problem. If the list is duplicated and you want the new one to be replaced for the old one just empty your current list (I guess you use userArrayList to show items in the recycler view) and add the new content.

What I mean is to re-initialize the list before adding new content if you don't want to duplicate content.

Shuffle docs from firebase firestore collection in JavaScript

Sample firebase initialization main shuffle code below

// Import Firebase
import { initializeApp } from "";
import { doc, getDoc, getDocs, collection, getFirestore } from "";

// Firebase Config
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "your-info",
authDomain: "your-info",
databaseURL: "your-info",
projectId: "your-info",
storageBucket: "your-info",
messagingSenderId: "your-info",
appId: "your-info",
measurementId: "your-info"

// Initialize Firebase
const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
// Initialize Firestore
const firestore = getFirestore(app);

Code to get a sample 'contributions' collection and console log shuffled docs:

// Get Collection
const contributionsCollection = collection(firestore, 'contributions');
// Get Collection Docs
const contributionsCollectionDoc = await getDocs(contributionsCollection);

// Fill in Contributions
if(contributionsCollectionDoc.empty == false) {
var contributions =;
contributions((doc) => {

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