Make Statement More Clear: Checking Object for Key in Dictionary

Make statement more clear: checking object for key in dictionary

First, you can test and get an existing value with optional binding,
and then append (or set) all new items:

if let oldItems = dict[key] {
dict[key] = oldItems + items
} else {
dict[key] = items

This can be simplified with the nil-coalescing operator ??:

dict[key] = (dict[key] ?? []) + items

In Swift 4 you can simply use the subscript method with a default value:

dict[key, default: []] += items
// Or:
dict[key, default: []].append(contentsOf: items)

Self-contained example:

var dict = ["foo": [1, 2, 3]]

dict["foo", default: []] += [4, 5]
dict["bar", default: []] += [6,7]

print(dict) // ["bar": [6, 7], "foo": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]

Check if a given key already exists in a dictionary

in tests for the existence of a key in a dict:

d = {"key1": 10, "key2": 23}

if "key1" in d:
print("this will execute")

if "nonexistent key" in d:
print("this will not")

Use dict.get() to provide a default value when the key does not exist:

d = {}

for i in range(10):
d[i] = d.get(i, 0) + 1

To provide a default value for every key, either use dict.setdefault() on each assignment:

d = {}

for i in range(10):
d[i] = d.setdefault(i, 0) + 1

or use defaultdict from the collections module:

from collections import defaultdict

d = defaultdict(int)

for i in range(10):
d[i] += 1

How can I remove a key from a Python dictionary?

To delete a key regardless of whether it is in the dictionary, use the two-argument form of dict.pop():

my_dict.pop('key', None)

This will return my_dict[key] if key exists in the dictionary, and None otherwise. If the second parameter is not specified (i.e. my_dict.pop('key')) and key does not exist, a KeyError is raised.

To delete a key that is guaranteed to exist, you can also use:

del my_dict['key']

This will raise a KeyError if the key is not in the dictionary.

The most Pythonic way of checking if a value in a dictionary is defined/has zero length

If you know the key is in the dictionary, use

if mydict["key"]:

It is simple, easy to read, and says, "if the value tied to 'key' evaluates to True, do something". The important tidbit to know is that container types (dict, list, tuple, str, etc) only evaluate to True if their len is greater than 0.

It will also raise a KeyError if your premise that a key is in mydict is violated.

All this makes it Pythonic.

Python - get object - Is dictionary or if statements faster?

I decided to test the two scenarios of 1000 Names and 2 locations

The Test Samples

Team Dictionary:

di = {}
for i in range(1000):
di["Name{}".format(i)] = {'Location': 'result{}'.format(i), 'LocationB':'result{}B'.format(i)}

def get_dictionary_value():

Team If Statement:

I used a python script to generate a 5000 line function if_statements(name, location): following this pattern

elif name == 'Name994':
if location == 'Location':
return 'result994'
elif location == 'LocationB':
return 'result994B'

# Some time later ...
def get_if_value():
if_statements("Name999", "LocationB")

Timing Results

You can time with the timeit function to test the time it takes a function to complete.

import timeit
# 0.06353...

# 6.3684...

So there you have it, dictionary was 100 times faster on my machine than the hefty 165 KB if-statement function.

Delete a dictionary item if the key exists

You can use dict.pop:

 mydict.pop("key", None)

Note that if the second argument, i.e. None is not given, KeyError is raised if the key is not in the dictionary. Providing the second argument prevents the conditional exception.

Delete an element from a dictionary

The del statement removes an element:

del d[key]

Note that this mutates the existing dictionary, so the contents of the dictionary changes for anybody else who has a reference to the same instance. To return a new dictionary, make a copy of the dictionary:

def removekey(d, key):
r = dict(d)
del r[key]
return r

The dict() constructor makes a shallow copy. To make a deep copy, see the copy module.

Note that making a copy for every dict del/assignment/etc. means you're going from constant time to linear time, and also using linear space. For small dicts, this is not a problem. But if you're planning to make lots of copies of large dicts, you probably want a different data structure, like a HAMT (as described in this answer).

Python: Checking if a 'Dictionary' is empty doesn't seem to work

Empty dictionaries evaluate to False in Python:

>>> dct = {}
>>> bool(dct)
>>> not dct

Thus, your isEmpty function is unnecessary. All you need to do is:

def onMessage(self, socket, message):
if not self.users:
socket.send("Nobody is online, please use REGISTER command" \
" in order to register into the server")
socket.send("ONLINE " + ' ' .join(self.users.keys()))

Does dictionary's clear() method delete all the item related objects from memory?

Python documentation on dicts states that del d[key] removes d[key] from the dictionary while d.clear() removes every key, so basically their behavior is the same.

On the memory issue, in Python when you "delete" you are basically removing a reference to an object. When an object is not referenced by any variable nor other object or becomes unreachable, it becomes garbage and can be removed from memory. Python has a garbage collector that from time to time it does this job of checking which objects are garbage and releases the memory allocated for them.
If the object you are deleting from the dictionary is referenced by other variable then it is still reachable, thus it is not garbage so it won't be deleted. I leave you here some links if you are interested in reading about garbage collection in general and python's garbage collection in particular.


Python update a key in dict if it doesn't exist

You do not need to call d.keys(), so

if key not in d:
d[key] = value

is enough. There is no clearer, more readable method.

You could update again with dict.get(), which would return an existing value if the key is already present:

d[key] = d.get(key, value)

but I strongly recommend against this; this is code golfing, hindering maintenance and readability.

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