Evaluate Bool Property of Optional Object in If Statement

Evaluate Bool property of optional object in if statement

Ah, found it:

if objectWithBool?.bool == true {
// objectWithBool != nil && bool == true
} else {
// objectWithBool == nil || bool == false

The optional chaining expression objectWithBool?.bool returns an optional Bool. Since it is optional, that expression alone in the if statement would be evaluated to true/false based on whether the optional contains a value or not.

By using the == operator the if statement checks the optional's value, which in this case can be true, false, or nil.

Checking the value of an Optional Bool

With optional booleans it's needed to make the check explicit:

if boolean == true {

Otherwise you can unwrap the optional:

if boolean! {

But that generates a runtime exception if boolean is nil - to prevent that:

if boolean != nil && boolean! {

Before beta 5 it was possible, but it has been changed as reported in the release notes:

Optionals no longer implicitly evaluate to true when they have a value and false when they do not, to avoid confusion when working with optional Bool values. Instead, make an explicit check against nil with the == or != operators to find out if an optional contains a value.

Addendum: as suggested by @MartinR, a more compact variation to the 3rd option is using the coalescing operator:

if boolean ?? false {
// this code runs only if boolean == true

which means: if boolean is not nil, the expression evaluates to the boolean value (i.e. using the unwrapped boolean value), otherwise the expression evaluates to false

How to do an action if an optional boolean is true?

For good order

if (spouseIsMale.orElse(false)) {
System.out.println("There is a male spouse.");


Best way to check for nullable bool in a condition expression (if ...)

I think a lot of people concentrate on the fact that this value is nullable, and don't think about what they actually want :)

bool? nullableBool = true;
if (nullableBool == true) { ... } // true
else { ... } // false or null

Or if you want more options...

bool? nullableBool = true;
if (nullableBool == true) { ... } // true
else if (nullableBool == false) { ... } // false
else { ... } // null

(nullableBool == true) will never return true if the bool? is null :P

What's wrong with comparing non-optional bool in a single if structure in swift

A bit of history...

In Swift 1.0, it was possible to check if an optional variable optVar contained a value by just checking:

if optVar {
println("optVar has a value")
} else {
println("optVar is nil")

In The Swift Programming Language, the update for Swift 1.1 (dated 2014-10-16) stated:

Optionals no longer implicitly evaluate to true when they have a value and false when they do not, to avoid confusion when working with optional Bool values. Instead, make an explicit check against nil with the == or != operators to find out if an optional contains a value.

So, the nonsensical error message that you are getting was put there because the Swift compiler is interpreting your:

if a {

to mean:

if a != nil {

and it is encouraging you to test against nil to determine if the Optional a has a value.

Perhaps the Swift authors will change it in the future, but for now you will have to explicitly unwrap a:

if a! {

or check against true:

if a == true {

or (to be completely safe):

if a ?? false {
print("this will not crash if a is nil")

Use of Boolean? in if expression

You can compare nullable boolean with true, false or null using equality operator:

var b: Boolean? = null
if (b == true) {
// b was not null and equal true
if (b == false) {
// b is false
if (b != true) {
// b is null or false

How does let evaluate a bool value in Swift?

In addition to Bools, if statements can also take optionals, with the condition evaluating to whether or not the optional has a value. This particular construct is called "optional binding".

Check if null Boolean is true results in exception

When you have a boolean it can be either true or false. Yet when you have a Boolean it can be either Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE or null as any other object.

In your particular case, your Boolean is null and the if statement triggers an implicit conversion to boolean that produces the NullPointerException. You may need instead:

if(bool != null && bool) { ... }

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