<<Error Type>> Strange Error

error type Strange Error

Often this indicates that your code doesn't currently compile. Swift often has trouble computing types on code that itself isn't correct. In some cases it's a bug in the compiler. Use of AnyObject can be particularly confusing to the compiler, and should be avoided as much as possible. In this case, AnyObject is required, but you should try to get it converted to a specific type quickly. Don't return [AnyType] for instance if you can possibly help it.

But the short answer is that the Swift compiler is still evolving, and it can't always work out types in complex situations, particularly on partial or (currently) incorrect code.

Note that you're using var for a lot of things that should be let. Unless you actually need to modify the variable, you should prefer let. It helps you prevent many kinds of bugs, and can be easier on the compiler to deal with (since the variable has fewer ways it can change).

Strange error in C++ without stoping the program

The problem is that in your numOfDifferentElements function, if the if condition is satisified then there is no return statement. The problem is because the return type of the function is non-void and so you must return something. You can solve this by adding a return statement inside the if block or outside(after) the else block as shown below:

int numOfDifferentElements(BSTree* root, int counter)
if (root)
numOfDifferentElements(root->left, counter);
numOfDifferentElements(root->right, counter);
//can also add a return statement here
return counter;
//or add return -1; or some other value indicating ERROR CODE

F# strange type error message

Your error is caused by the fact, that each evaluation that execute in the FSI actually creates a dynamic assembly FSI_XXXX. So in fact, your function that you defined with ExprTree was maybe referring to FSI_0051.ExprTree whereas a function that you defined later and used ExprTree is now referring to FSI_0061.ExprTree.

What I typically do to fix the error, is just execute the definition of all my functions using ExprTree again, now that there is a newer FSI_0061.ExprTree and all should work.

You simply need to be aware, that each new evaluation with the same name will shadow the pre-existing symbol. On the other hand, they are still distinct symbols, hence the two names FSI_0051.ExprTree and FSI_0061.ExprTree.

Scala strange type error in Play Framework form

Saying def form[NewPostValidator] is like saying def form[T], just with a different identifier. Compiler doesn't see the NewPostValidator in the method body as the "real" NewPostValidator, but as your made-up type NewPostValidator that you declared in def form[NewPostValidator].


Parameterize your trait with [T] instead of your method, and have your class extend the trait with a specific type.

trait Delivery[T] {
def form(): Form[T]

object NewPost extends Delivery[NewPostValidator] {
def form(): Form[NewPostValidator] = Form(mapping(
"town" -> nonEmptyText,
"number" -> number)(NewPostValidator.apply)(NewPostValidator.unapply))

Strange error with Android Studio selection

Error was fixed by disabling Vim plugin

Strange error, Exception Value: type object has no attribute 'DoesNoExist'

The correct is hotel.DoesNotExist not hotel.DoesNoExiste a

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