Customize Keyboard in Tvos

Open keyboard without clicking on TextField on tvOS - Swift

While your UI is questionable, once your first text field finishes editing, you could start the other one.

Set the first text field UITextFieldDelegate to the view controller, and then:

class ViewController: UIViewController , UITextFieldDelegate{

@IBOutlet weak var tf2: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var tf1: UITextField!

@IBAction func click() {

func textFieldDidEndEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
if (textField == tf1){


I want to use it as a UIButton when I tap UITextField

1) Make the view controller implement this delegate: UITextFieldDelegate

class YourViewController: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate {
// ...
yourTextField.delegate = self
// ...

2) Return false in textFieldShouldBeginEditing, so the text field doesn't respond and the keyboard doesn't open. Instead, open yours or do whatever you want.

func textFieldShouldBeginEditing(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
// HERE, open your keyboard or do whatever you want
return false

Side keyboard on tvOs

The keyboard appears on the side like this if the system detects that the Siri Remote isn't paired. For example, if you normally use a universal remote to control your Apple TV, this keyboard would be easier to use with only the arrow keys.

If you pair a Siri Remote, then the keyboard will use its normal "linear" appearance.

tvOS keyboard language

On your apple TV go to Settings -> General -> Language, switch to the language you need (Russian). It will ask you if you're OK with Siri not being supported, hit OK, and voila :

Sample Image

this doesn't work in simulator unfortunately.

Also, you might try to create a custom keyboard, and make it's primaryLanguage whatever you need:

tvOS SearchController, avoid collapsing keyboard

It was not really possible until tvOS 14, when Apple released new property searchControllerObservedScrollView:

By setting your collectionView on this property, the SearchController will automatically adapt searchbar + keyboard position to your CollectionView offset.

You can adapt your code this way :

    private lazy var searchController: UISearchController = {
let searchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: searchResultsController)
if #available(tvOS 14.0, *) {
searchController.searchControllerObservedScrollView = (searchResultsController as? UICollectionViewController)?.collectionView
return searchController

To get rid of nullable cast, just change searchResultsController return type to UICollectionViewController. It should not affect your implementation.

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