Create Custom Action in a Class for Use in Interface Builder

How can i create `IBOutlet` or `IBAction` in custom class

Look at Apple's Cocoa tutorial documentation that comes with Xcode 4, this is rather fundamental to the Xcode/Cocoa/interface designer model!

In outline:

@interface MyCustomClass

- (IBAction) myButtonClickAction:(id)sender;


@implementation MyCustomClass

- (IBAction) myButtonClickAction:(id)sender
NSLog(@"My button has been clicked");


Now in the interface designer (just open the .xib file in Xcode to get the designer) you need to:

  1. Add an instance of MyCustomClass - select Object from the Object Library and drag it onto your Objects (usually on lhs of canvas) or the design canvas (it will just go to Objects and not create a graphic widget on the canvas). Now select the added Object and in the Inspector (usually on rhs of canvas) set the class to MyCustomClass. Now when your application starts up an instance of MyCustomClass will be created.
  2. Select your NSButton on the design canvas, select the Connections tab in the Inspector. Click and drag from selector under Sent Actions to your MyCustomClass under Objects. On releasing you'll get a menu of IBActions to select from, pick myButtonClickAction.
  3. You'll probably want to add an IBOutlet to your application delegate to link to the custom object instance that has been created, if you don't you won't have a direct way of accessing it. The process to do this follows the same pattern as for the IBAction above.

That is it, in words (pictures help), and very briefly.

Now go read those tutorials!

Creating outlets and actions on object from Interface Builder

The class actions and outlets panes have been moved to the library window in newer versions of Interface Builder

Click on the Classes tab, then search for your class.

Click on your class, then use the drop-down menu to select outlets or actions.

Use a generic class as a custom view in Interface Builder

Interface Builder "talks" to your code through the ObjC runtime. As such, IB can can access only features of your code that are representable in the ObjC runtime. ObjC doesn't do generics, so there's not a way for IB to tell the runtime which specialization of your generic class to use. (And a Swift generic class can't be instantiated without a specialization, so you get an error trying to instantiate a MyButton instead of a MyButton<WhateverConcreteType>.)

(You can recognize the ObjC runtime at work in IB when you break other things: Attempting to use a pure Swift class with outlets/actions in a nib/storyboard gives runtime errors about ObjC introspection. Leaving an outlet connected whose corresponding code declaration has changed or gone away gives runtime errors about KVC. Et cetera.)

To ignore the runtime issues and put it in a slightly different way... let's go back to what IB needs to know. Remember that the nib loading system is what instantiates anything in a storyboard at runtime. So even if the parts of your class that take a generic type parameter aren't @IBInspectable, the nib still needs to know what specialization of your generic class to load. So, for IB to let you use generic classes for views, IB would have to have a place for you to identify which specialization of your class the nib should use. It doesn't — but that'd make a great feature request.

In the meantime, if it's still helpful for your MyButton class to involve some generic storage, perhaps you could look into having MyButton reference another class that includes generic storage. (It'd have to do so in such a way that the type of said storage isn't known at compile time, though — otherwise the type parameters of that other class would have to propagate back to MyButton.)

How to define Outlets and Actions in the Classes Pane in Interface Builder in Xcode 4?

This does appear to be removed from Xcode 4, but there isn't much need for it anymore since Xcode 4 integrates the editor directly with IB. The feature never really worked that well in Xcode 3 IMO anyway.

In Xcode 4, display the header for your object by selecting your object and View>Editors>Assistant. Now control-drag from the object you want to connect into the header. This will let you automatically create an outlet or action and bind it all at once.

See the Xcode 4 Transition Guide for more information.

How do I attach an action to a button using Interface Builder?

Setting up an Action

  1. Right-Click on your control instance
  2. Drag to your target and let go.

Setting up an Action

Setting up an Outlet

  1. Right-Click on your object instance
  2. Drag to your control instance and let go.

Setting up an Outlet

Inspecting Actions/Outlets/Bindings

  1. Right-Click on your object instance

Inspecting Actions/Outlets/Bindings

Connect IBAction to custom class

change PressableView parent class as UIControl class then you can connect for actions and handle it.

UIControl is subclass of UIView class only. so you will have all the properties of UIView as well.

class PressableView: UIControl {
@IBAction func uicontrolEventAction(_ sender: Any) {

Sample Image

Sample Image

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