Convert to Latest Swift Syntax' Breaks the Build Even When There Are No Changes

Convert to latest Swift Syntax' breaks the build even when there are no changes

Product -> Clean helped in my case.

New syntax for default values in Swift functions

The default in the function signature means that it has a default value and you don't have to pass a parameter.

func add(a: Int = 0, b: Int = 0) -> Int {
return a + b

// "normal" function call
add(2, b: 4) // 6

// no specified parameters at all
add() // 0; both a and b default to 0

// one parameter specified
// a has no external name since it is the first parameter
add(3) // 3; b defaults to 0
// b has an external name since it is not the first parameter
add(b: 4) // 4; a defaults to 0

In case of the print function separator defaults to " " and terminator to "\n".

There are 4 way to call it:

struct SomeItem {}
print(SomeItem(), SomeItem())
print(SomeItem(), SomeItem(), separator: "_")
print(SomeItem(), SomeItem(), terminator: " :) \n")
print(SomeItem(), SomeItem(), separator: "_", terminator: " :) \n")


SomeItem() SomeItem()
SomeItem() SomeItem() :)
SomeItem()_SomeItem() :)

Xcode 7 GM Build breaks cast from NSArray to Swift Array

Well, we never were able to get to the bottom of this. It seemed as though there was some build setting in our project at was causing all kinds of strange errors similar to the one above when using the Xcode7 GM build. We ultimately had to copy all our files into a new project to work around it.

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