Callback Url Not Approved Despite Being Provided Twitter API

Callback url not approved despite being provided Twitter Api

I face same issue we no need to change in code side, we just need to change some setting in developer account of twitter (tested solution)

You need to add the consumer/api key in Callback URL using below format

Ref link :

twitterkit-consumer/api key://

Sample Image

You need to add twitterkit-yourConsumerKey in info.plist

<string>twitterkit-your Consumer Key (API Key)</string>

Callback URL not approved by Twitter

Twitter recently (in May 2018) enforced that sign-in-with-Twitter users must whitelist callback URLs for security reasons (see the announcement).

This means callback URLs have to be explicitly and identically set up for all supported third-party applications. You can setup the callback URLs in your Twitter's application setup page:

For example, if your callback URL is http://localhost:8080/myApp/signin/twitter, you must add it to the list of Callback URLs in your Twitter's application setup page exactly as it is: http://localhost:8080/myApp/signin/twitter

Sample Image

See also the documentation on Twitter callback URLs.

Twitter API not accepting callback URL for Android App

It seems the problem was that I had my app configured as Client and it had to be Browser type even though its a native client app on android.

Callback URL Twitter API not functioning and authorizing

From the Tweepy documentation here:

The PIN-based OAuth flow can be used by setting the callback parameter to "oob":

import tweepy

oauth1_user_handler = tweepy.OAuth1UserHandler(
"API / Consumer Key here", "API / Consumer Secret here",

There is no question of callback if you use this authentication method.

Why does Twitter OAuth reject request token request with message The given URL is considered malware?

As stated in my comment on the question, the cause was a typo in the callback URL I was providing in the request. The URL I was providing was


with an accidental second colon before the port. My bad.

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