Cannot Convert Value of Type '()' to Specified Type Bool

Swift Error: cannot convert of type '()' to specified type 'Bool'

The benefit of the new error handling in Swift 2 is the omission of the quasi-redundant return values Bool / NSError. Therefore setResourceValue does not return a Bool anymore which is the reason of the error message.

As the function is marked as throws I recommend this syntax which just passes the result of setResourceValue

class func addSkipBackupAttributeToItemAtPath(filePathString: String) throws
let url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(filePathString)

try url.setResourceValue(true, forKey: NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey)

Handle the error in the method which calls addSkipBackupAttributeToItemAtPath

Cannot convert value of type '() - _' to specified type 'Bool'

Just remove the = sign

var isSuccessful:Bool {
get {
for (index, element) in results.enumerated()
if element.values.contains(false) { return false }
return true

If you use the = sign, you want to 'assign' a value to your variable.
This is a common mistake to lazy var initialization

lazy var isSuccessful:Bool =  {
for (index, element) in results.enumerated()
if element.values.contains(false) { return false }
return true

This syntax will process the block when you are getting the variable the first time.

Swift properyWrapper cannot convert value of declared type to value of specified type

You’ve declared wrappedValue as an optional, e.g. Value?. Change it to not be an optional and the error will go away:

@propertyWrapper struct UserDefaultsBacked<Value> {
let key: String
let storage: UserDefaults = .standard
var defaultValue: Value

var wrappedValue: Value { // not `Value?`
get {
let value = storage.value(forKey: key) as? Value
return value ?? defaultValue
set { storage.setValue(newValue, forKey: key) }

Alternatively, you could keep wrappedValue as is, but then you’d have to declare snapStatus as an optional:

var snapStatus: Bool?

I think the elimination of the optionals is the way to go, but I include this for the sake of completeness.

Swift error: Cannot convert value of type '() throws - ()' to specified type 'Bool'

Thanks to @MartinR for linking to a similar question where I found this trick:

Changing the Objective C function declaration to

- (BOOL)hasAnyData:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)errorOut __attribute__((swift_error(nonnull_error)));

And then calling it from Swift like

let hasAnyData: Bool = try self.repo.hasAnyThings()

Does exactly what I wanted!

The swift_error attribute is documented here:

Original answer - doesn't fully solve the problem but may be useful to someone else looking at this question as it is useful in a similar situation.

I finally found this in the Swift docs:

Use the NS_SWIFT_NOTHROW macro on an Objective-C method declaration
that produces an NSError to prevent it from being imported by Swift as
a method that throws.

I have now added a NS_SWIFT_NOTHROW annotation to my Objective C function declaration like

- (BOOL)hasAnyData:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)errorOut NS_SWIFT_NOTHROW;

And am having to pass in the NSError pointer from Swift

var error: NSError?
let hasAnyData = self.repo.hasAnyData(&error)

This isn't the nicest because I can no longer handle the error in a swifty way (using do, try catch and instead have to use the NSError) but it's the best I could find.

Swift Cannot convert value of type '() Error

You are missing a () at the end

private lazy var boardManager: BLTNItemManager = {
//other code you have

Cannot convert value of type 'Query' to expected condition type 'Bool'

With the help of my friend, Ive been able to figure this out.


    @State private var isLiked: Bool = false
@State private var isDisabled: Bool = true
 func checkForLikes(id: String, then completion: @escaping (Bool?) -> ()) {
let collection = ref.collection("Posts")
let doc = collection.document(id)

doc.getDocument { docSnapshot, err in
if let err = err {

guard let docSnapshot = docSnapshot,
let likedBy =["likedBy"] as? [String] else {
print("No query snapshot")



HStack {
Button {
if isLiked == false {
isLiked = true
} else {
isLiked = false
} label: {
Image(systemName: isLiked ? "heart.fill" : "heart")
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
.frame(width: 20, height: 20)
.foregroundColor(isLiked ? .red : .gray)
.opacity(isDisabled ? 0.3 : 1)
.onAppear {
postData.checkForLikes(id: { isLiked in
if let isLiked = isLiked {
withAnimation(.easeInOut(duration: 0.2)) {
isDisabled = false
self.isLiked = isLiked

Cannot convert value of type '(Int) - Bool' to expected condition type 'Bool' and cannot find x in scope

You have syntax errors, see the fixes below.

import Foundation

func patterns (list: Array<Int>, fn: (Int) -> Bool) -> Array<Int> {
var res = Array<Int>()
for i in list {
if fn(i) { // Fix 1 is here
return res
let lst1 = [1, 2, 3 , 5 , 6, 7, 8 ,9 , 10]
print(patterns(list: lst1, fn: { x in x % 2 == 0 })) // Fix 2 is here

You should read official docs on Closures in Swift to learn more about this.

Cannot convert value of type 'Published Bool .Publisher' to expected argument type 'Binding Bool '

Here is possible approach - the idea to make possible observation in generated view and avoid tight coupling between factory & presenter.

Tested with Xcode 12 / iOS 14 (for older systems some tuning might be needed)

protocol ResetViewModel {
var showPasswordReset: Bool { get set }

struct PasswordResetView<Model: ResetViewModel & ObservableObject>: View {
@ObservedObject var resetModel: Model

var body: some View {
if resetModel.showPasswordReset {
Text("Show password reset")
} else {
Text("Show something else")

class LoginViewModel: ObservableObject, Identifiable, ResetViewModel {
@Published var mailAdress: String = ""
@Published var password: String = ""
@Published var showRegister = false
@Published var showPasswordReset = false

private let applicationStore: ApplicationStore

init(applicationStore: ApplicationStore) {
self.applicationStore = applicationStore

var passwordResetView: some View {
PasswordResetView(resetModel: self)

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