Web-Based, Hosted Admin Tool for SQL Server Database Access

Web-based, hosted admin tool for SQL Server database access

You can also connect via ODBC to your remote MSSQL server then use MSAccess or OpenOffice to connect, browse or backup.

Building web based interface for mssql

Are the tables fixed or may there be new ones often?



If the tables are fixed you could make pages for each database which will select the data you need and then echo it in a table. You could also build forms and then use that data to do INSERT statements so the users can update the tables

I use MySQL but these manuals will help you to use mssql queries within PHP to select rows in the database and then loop though them echoing the Divs and Tables using $row['column name'] to use the variables.

If the tables could change and you can't find a suitable msSQL equivalent to PHPmyAdmin I would seriously consider changing to MySQL.

ASP.NET WebSite Administration Tool can't access SQL database

You need to configure a membership provider in your websites web.config file. Please see the below example and modify the configuration to suit your requirements.

<add name="MySqlConnection" connectionString="Data
Source=MySqlServer;Initial Catalog=aspnetdb;Integrated
Security=SSPI;" />
<authentication mode="Forms" >
<forms loginUrl="login.aspx"
<deny users="?" />
<membership defaultProvider="SqlProvider" userIsOnlineTimeWindow="15">
<clear />
passwordFormat="Hashed" />

For more information please consult the following MSDN articles:



Something like phpMyAdmin but for SQL Server?

I've also found this product which seems to support SQL Server

Which tool to build a simple web front-end to my database

If you are experienced with SQL Server, I would recommend ASP.NET.

ADO.NET gives you good access to SQL Server, and with SMO, you will also have just about the best access to SQL Server features. You can access SQL Server from other environments, but nothing is quite as integrated or predictable.

You can call your stored procs with SqlCommand and process the results the SqlDataReader and you'll be in business.

SSMS Web Interface

You may like sqlpad.

It's a Node.js web app for writing and running SQL queries and visualizing the results. Supports Postgres, MySQL, SQL Server, Crate and Vertica.

It has many contributors and it's being kept up-to-date.

IIS / iisnode specifics

You may be using IIS with iisnode. That's working too. You only need to alter the port config in /lib/config.js line 12 to use process.env.PORT.

When you want to use Google Authentication. You need to have this in your web.config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<add key="GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID" value="..." />
<add key="GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET" value="..." />
<add key="PUBLIC_URL" value="https://example.com" />
<add key="DISABLE_USERPASS_AUTH" value="true" />

PS: The last key is optional for when you want to only allow google logins

Accessing on-premises SQL database with web application hosted on Azure

Trusted_Connection must be false. You cannot do Windows Authentication from Azure.

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