Using Select Distinct in MySQL


SELECT name, type, state, country FROM table GROUP BY name;

should do the trick.

Mysql select query with distinct option


SELECT class, id
FROM table
GROUP BY class

The DISTINCT option produces all unique combinations of the selected columns, not just the first column. Use GROUP BY if you need to make a subset of the columns distinct.

Note that this will select an arbitrary id from all the rows with the same class. So you might get

class   id
8 22
9 11


class   id
8 22
9 33


Try to use DISTINCT like this:

SELECT DISTINCT mycolumn FROM mytable



select mycolumn, count(mycolumn) c from mytable
group by mycolumn having c = 1

Converting SELECT DISTINCT ON queries from Postgresql to MySQL

There's not an exact equivalent to convert a Postgresql query that makes use of SELECT DISTINCT ON to MySQL.


In Postgresql, the following query will eliminate all rows where the expressions (col1, col2, col3) match, and it will only keep the "first col4, col5 row" for each set of matched rows:

SELECT DISTINCT ON (col1, col2, col3) col4, col5
FROM tablename

So if your table is like this:

col1 | col2 | col3 | col4 | col5
1 | 2 | 3 | 777 | 888
1 | 2 | 3 | 888 | 999
3 | 3 | 3 | 555 | 555

our query will keep just one row for (1,2,3) and one row for (3,3,3). The resulting rows will then be:

col4 | col5
777 | 888
555 | 555

please notice that the "first row" of each set is unpredictable, our fist row might be (888, 999) as well unless we specify an ORDER BY:

SELECT DISTINCT ON (col1, col2, col3) col4, col5
FROM tablename
ORDER BY col1, col2, col3, col4

(the DISTINCT on expressions must match the leftmost ORDER BY expressions, but the ORDER BY can contain additional expressions).

MySQL extension to GROUP BY

MySQL extends the use of GROUP BY so that we can select nonaggregated columns not named in the GROUP BY clause. Whenever we select nonaggregated columns the server is free to choose any value from each group from that column, so the resulting values will be indetermined.

So this Postgresql query:

SELECT DISTINCT ON (col1, col2, col3) col4, col5
FROM tablename

can be considered equivalent to this MySQL query:

SELECT col4, col5
FROM tablename
GROUP BY col1, col2, col3

both Postgresql and MySQL will return the "First row" for each (col1, col2, col3), and in both cases the row returned is unpredictable because we didn't specify and order by clause.

A lot of people would be very tempted to convert this Postgresql query with an ORDER BY:

SELECT DISTINCT ON (col1, col2, col3) col4, col5
FROM tablename
ORDER BY col1, col2, col3, col4

with this one:

SELECT col4, col5
SELECT col1, col2, col3, col4, col5
FROM tablename
ORDER BY col1, col2, col3, col4
) s
GROUP BY col1, col2, col3

the idea here is to apply an ORDER BY to a subquery so that when MySQL groups by col1, col2, col3 it will keep the first encountered value for col4 and col5. The idea is good, but it's wrong! MySQL is free to choose any value for col4 and col5, and we don't know which are the first values encountered, it depends on the optimizer. So I would correct it to this:

SELECT t1.col4, t1.col5
FROM tablename t1 INNER JOIN (SELECT col1, col2, col3, MIN(col4) as m_col4
FROM tablename
GROUP BY col1, col2, col3) s
ON t1.col1=s.col1
AND t1.col2=s.col2
AND t1.col3=s.col3
AND t1.col4=s.m_col4
t1.col1, t1.col2, t1.col3, t1.col4

but this is starting to get more complicated.


As a general rule, there's not an exact way to convert a Postgresql query to a MySQL query, but there are a lot of workarounds, the resulting query might be as simple as the original one or it might become very complicated, but it depends on the query itself.

MySQL: Select DISTINCT / UNIQUE, but return all columns?

You're looking for a group by:

select *
from table
group by field1

Which can occasionally be written with a distinct on statement:

select distinct on field1 *
from table

On most platforms, however, neither of the above will work because the behavior on the other columns is unspecified. (The first works in MySQL, if that's what you're using.)

You could fetch the distinct fields and stick to picking a single arbitrary row each time.

On some platforms (e.g. PostgreSQL, Oracle, T-SQL) this can be done directly using window functions:

select *
from (
select *,
row_number() over (partition by field1 order by field2) as row_number
from table
) as rows
where row_number = 1

On others (MySQL, SQLite), you'll need to write subqueries that will make you join the entire table with itself (example), so not recommended.

Mysql query to select Distinct Records on conditions?

count skips null values. So you can count a case expression where the value is 0, and then use a having condition to check that this count is equal to the total count:

SELECT   ext_no, MAX(value)
FROM test
GROUP BY ext_no

SQL query to select distinct from data table along with the corresponding column values

You can use DISTINCT to select your expection columns.

SELECT DISTINCT DoggoName,DoggoName,DoggoAge
FROM DataTable

How to use SELECT DISTINCT ON with MySQL and Rails

DISTINCT ON is a Postgres specific extension to the standard SQL DISTINCT. Neither of them is a "function", both are SQL key words - even though the parentheses required after DISTINCT ON make it look like a function.

There are a couple of techniques to rewrite this with standard-SQL, all of them more verbose, though. Since MySQL does not support window-functions row_number() is out.

Details and more possible query techniques:

  • Select first row in each GROUP BY group?

  • Fetch the row which has the Max value for a column

Rewritten with NOT EXISTS:

FROM delivery_service_prices d1
WHERE active = 1
AND 2808.0 BETWEEN min_weight AND max_weight
AND 104.0 BETWEEN min_length AND max_length
AND 104.0 BETWEEN min_thickness AND max_thickness
FROM delivery_service_prices d2
WHERE active = 1
AND 2808.0 BETWEEN min_weight AND max_weight
AND 104.0 BETWEEN min_length AND max_length
AND 104.0 BETWEEN min_thickness AND max_thickness
AND d2.delivery_service_id = d1.delivery_service_id
AND d2.price < d1.price
AND d2.<some_unique_id> < d1.<some_unique_id> -- tiebreaker!
ORDER BY delivery_service_id
  • If there can be multiple rows with the same price for the same delivery_service_id, you need to add some unique tie-breaker to avoid multiple results per delivery_service_id. At least if you want a perfectly equivalent query. My example would select the row with the smallest <some_unique_id> from each set of dupes.

  • Unlike with DISTINCT ON, ORDER BY is optional here.

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