Extract Email Address from String Using Tsql

Extract email address from string using tsql

You can search for '@' in the string. Then you get the string at the LEFT and RIGHT side of '@'. You then want to REVERSE the LEFT side and get first occurrence of ' ' then get the SUBSTRING from there. Then REVERSE it to get the original form. Same principle apply to the RIGHT side without doing REVERSE.

Example string: 'some text someemail@domain.org some text'

  1. LEFT = 'some text someemail'
  2. RIGHT = '@domain.org some text'
  3. Reverse LEFT = 'liameemos txet emos'
  4. SUBSTRING up to the first space = 'liameemos'
  5. REVERSE(4) = someemail
  6. SUBSTRING (2) up to the first space = '@domain.org'
  7. Combine 5 and 6 = 'someemail@domain.org'

Your query would be:

;WITH CteEmail(email) AS(
SELECT 'someemail@domain.org' UNION ALL
SELECT 'some text someemail@domain.org some text' UNION ALL
SELECT 'no email'
,CteStrings AS(
[Left] = LEFT(email, CHARINDEX('@', email, 0) - 1),
Reverse_Left = REVERSE(LEFT(email, CHARINDEX('@', email, 0) - 1)),
[Right] = RIGHT(email, CHARINDEX('@', email, 0) + 1)
FROM CteEmail
WHERE email LIKE '%@%'
SUBSTRING(Reverse_Left, 0,
WHEN CHARINDEX(' ', Reverse_Left, 0) = 0 THEN LEN(Reverse_Left) + 1
ELSE CHARINDEX(' ', Reverse_Left, 0)
SUBSTRING([Right], 0,
WHEN CHARINDEX(' ', [Right], 0) = 0 THEN LEN([Right]) + 1
ELSE CHARINDEX(' ', [Right], 0)
FROM CteStrings

Sample Data:

some text someemail@domain.org some text
no email



How can I extract string 'foo' from a string foo@mail.com?

You're inadvertently re-implementing "right" there :)

Try this:

select left(emailaddress, charindex('@', emailaddress) - 1)

It seeks the position of the @, and takes the number of characters up to but not including (that's the - 1) the @ symbol.

Be careful with strings that don't have an @ though; you'll end up an empty string.

Extract Emails that Lying Between Special Characters Using Regex in SQL

With the use of a helper function

Example or dbFiddle

Declare @YourTable Table (LogID int,[Logmessage] varchar(500))  Insert Into @YourTable Values 
(1,'Alan Robert <alan.robert@gmail.com> was assigned to <richard@yahoo.com> and <nelson@gmail.com>')
,(2,'Alan Robert <alan.robert@gmail.com> was unassigned to <khanjoyty@gmail.com> and <katy@gmail.com>')

Select A.LogID
From @YourTable A
Cross Apply [dbo].[tvf-Str-Extract-JSON](LogMessage,'<','>') B


LogID   RetSeq  RetVal
1 1 alan.robert@gmail.com
1 2 richard@yahoo.com
1 3 nelson@gmail.com
2 1 alan.robert@gmail.com
2 2 khanjoyty@gmail.com
2 3 katy@gmail.com

It would then be a small matter to pivot the results

The TVF if interested

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[tvf-Str-Extract-JSON] (@String varchar(max),@Delim1 varchar(100),@Delim2 varchar(100))
Returns Table
Return (

Select RetSeq = row_number() over (order by RetSeq)
,RetVal = left(RetVal,charindex(@Delim2,RetVal)-1)
From (
Select RetSeq = [Key]+1
,RetVal = trim(Value)
From OpenJSON( '["'+replace(string_escape(@String,'json'),@Delim1,'","')+'"]' )

) C1
Where charindex(@Delim2,RetVal)>1


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