How to Do a Count(Distinct) Using Window Functions with a Frame in SQL Server

Window functions to count distinct records

Doing a count(distinct) as a windows function requires a trick. Several levels of tricks, actually.

Because your request is actually truly simple -- the value is always 1 because rx.drugClass is in the partitioning clause -- I will make an assumption. Let's say you want to count the number of unique drug classes per patid.

If so, do a row_number() partitioned by patid and drugClass. When this is 1, within a patid, , then a new drugClass is starting. Create a flag that is 1 in this case and 0 in all other cases.

Then, you can simply do a sum with a partitioning clause to get the number of distinct values.

The query (after formatting it so I can read it), looks like:

select rx.patid, d2.fillDate, d2.scriptEndDate, rx.drugName, rx.drugClass,
SUM(IsFirstRowInGroup) over (partition by rx.patid) as NumDrugCount
from (select distinct rx.patid, d2.fillDate, d2.scriptEndDate, rx.drugName, rx.drugClass,
(case when 1 = ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by rx.drugClass, rx.patid order by (select NULL))
then 1 else 0
end) as IsFirstRowInGroup
from (select ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by d.patid order by d.patid,d.uniquedrugsintimeframe desc) as rn,
d.patid, d.fillDate, d.scriptEndDate, d.uniqueDrugsInTimeFrame
from DrugsPerTimeFrame as d
) d2 inner join
on rx.patid = d2.patid inner join
DrugTable dt
on dt.drugClass = rx.drugClass
where d2.rn=1 and rx.fillDate between d2.fillDate and d2.scriptEndDate and
dt.drugClass in ('h3a','h6h','h4b','h2f','h2s','j7c','h2e')
) t
order by patid

How to do a COUNT(DISTINCT) using window functions with a frame in SQL Server

dense_rank() gives the dense ranking of the the current record. When you run that with ASC sort order first, you get the current record's dense rank (unique value rank) from the first element. When you run with DESC order, then you get the current record's dense rank from the last record. Then you remove 1 because the dense ranking of the current record is counted twice. This gives the total unique values in the whole partition (and repeated for every row).

Since, dense_rank does not support frames, you can't use this solution directly. You need to generate the frame by other means. One way could be JOINing the same table with proper unique id comparisons. Then, you can use dense_rank on the combined version.

Please check out the following solution proposal. The assumption there is you have a unique record key (record_id) available in your table. If you don't have a unique key, add another CTE before the first CTE and generate a unique key for each record (using new_id() function OR combining multiple columns using concat() with delimiter in between to account for NULLs)

; WITH cte AS (
, record_id_6_record_earlier = LEAD(machine_id, 6, NULL) OVER (PARTITION BY model ORDER BY _timestamp)
, .... other columns
FROM mainTable
, cte2 AS (
, DistinctCntWithin6PriorRec = dense_rank() OVER (PARTITION BY c.model, c.record_id ORDER BY t._timestamp)
+ dense_rank() OVER (PARTITION BY c.model, c.record_id ORDER BY t._timestamp DESC)
- 1
, RN = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY c.record_id ORDER BY t._timestamp )
FROM cte c
LEFT JOIN mainTable t ON t.record_id BETWEEN c.record_id_6_record_earlier and c.record_id
FROM cte2

There are 2 LIMITATIONS of this solution:

  1. If the frame has less than 6 records, then the LAG() function will be NULL and thus this solution will not work. This can be handled in different ways: One quick way I can think of is to generate 6 LEAD columns (1 record prior, 2 records prior, etc.) and then change the BETWEEN clause to something like this BETWEEN COALESCE(c.record_id_6_record_earlier, c.record_id_5_record_earlier, ...., c.record_id_1_record_earlier, c.record_id) and c.record_id

  2. COUNT() does not count NULL. But DENSE_RANK does. You need account for that too if it applies to your data

Distinct Counts in a Window Function

Unfortunately, SQL Server does not support COUNT(DISTINCT as a window function.

So you need to nest window functions. I find the simplest and most efficient method is MAX over a DENSE_RANK, but there are others.

The partitioning clause is the equivalent of GROUP BY in a normal aggregate, then the value you are DISTINCTing goes in the ORDER BY of the DENSE_RANK. So you calculate a ranking, while ignoring tied results, then take the maximum rank, per partition.

FROM YourTable t
) t;


Rolling Windows function for count distinct customer state

I don't think you can do this with window functions. You can do this using a lateral join:

select cd.*, cd2.*
from customer_details cd cross join lateral
(select count(distinct cd2.customer_status) as cnt1,
count(distinct case when cd2.calendar_date > cd.calendar_date - interval '3 month' then cd2.customer_status end) as cnt2,
count(distinct case when cd2.calendar_date > cd.calendar_date - interval '6 month' then cd2.customer_status end) as cnt3
from customer_details cd2
where cd2.customer_id = cd.customer_id
) cd2

Count distinct customers over rolling window partition

For this operation:

select p_date, seconds_read, 
count(distinct customer_id) over (order by p_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as total_cumulative_customer
from table_x;

You can do pretty much what you want with two levels of aggregation:

select min_p_date,
sum(count(*)) over (order by min_p_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as running_distinct_customers
from (select customer_id, min(p_date) as min_p_date
from table_x
group by customer_id
) c
group by min_p_date;

Summing the seconds read as well is a bit tricky, but you can use the same idea:

select p_date,
sum(sum(seconds_read)) over (order by p_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as seconds_read,
sum(sum(case when seqnum = 1 then 1 else 0 end)) over (order by p_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as running_distinct_customers
from (select customer_id, p_date, seconds_read,
row_number() over (partition by customer_id order by p_date) as seqnum
from table_x
) c
group by min_p_date;

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