The Object Name Contains More Than the Maximum Number of Prefixes. the Maximum Is 3

The object name contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 3

Correct four-part table name is server.database.schema.tablename - you have some excess parts there.

Looks like table name is OPC.WriteRequests? If yes, then you have to use brackets: SQL05.ManufacturingPortal.dbo.[OPC.WriteRequests]

But maybe you just have some part of name incorrect?

Create index error -The object name contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 2

Since the excellent link that Jacob referred to is down I was able to get the page to load but it is horribly slow.

Here is the answer from Grant Fritchey:

Look up the EXECUTE statement in BOL:


The linked server has to support RPC calls:

EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'SQLnk', @optname=N'rpc',

SQL Server Error: maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 3. with join syntax

Do you really like a lot of typing? :-)

SET s.DisciplineVarianceAmount = v.VarianceAmount
FROM [ASILIVE].[CustomerManagementSystem].dbo.Sessions AS s
INNER JOIN dbo.Variances AS v
ON s.SessionGUID = v.SessionGUID
AND s.VarianceAmount <> v.VarianceAmount;

Take note that you may want to describe what to do here if either variance amount is currently NULL.

Object name contains more than the maximum prefixes allowed

Please try this:


OP also encountered a new problem after implementing this solution above. OP said:

Thank you! This worked for me. To be more precise, the join is for a
view and if I save/close and then later get back to the design option
the quote marks are removed and there is [] left
over and the error returns. Is there a way to keep them fixed?
Otherwise if I change anything I always have to add the quote marks
again and again

Then with the help of DaleK that problem also was solved. DaleK:

Don't use the design option, script it as alter instead

error when insert into linked server

I don't think the new table created with the INTO clause supports 4 part names.
You would need to create the table first, then use INSERT..SELECT to populate it.

(See note in Arguments section on MSDN: reference)

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