Error "Value" Does Not Exist - Postgresql Insert into Issue

Inserting values into a table not working

You must use single quotes for literal string values. Double quoting is interpreted as being an identifier, in this case a column name, which causes the error.

insert into users (id,name,gender,city,age,company) 
values (1,'omkar','male','cuttack',24,'tcs');

cannot get simple PostgreSQL insert to work

Use 'auto dealer' instead. PostgreSQL interprets " as being quotes for identifiers, ' as being quotes for strings.


  • If this is a new project, just don't use mixed case tables; it is a
    source of frustration later. Instead of being able to use any case in
    your SQL statements, you must both quote the identifier name and get
    the case correct.

  • There is no need to specify id/DEFAULT, you're
    asking it to do what it would have done already. I haven't met a DBMS
    that requires you to include columnName/DEFAULT if you want it to
    put the default value in the column, so I don't think this extra KV
    pair is going to make what is happening clearer to anyone reading
    your code later.

INSERT COMMAND :: ERROR: column value does not exist

Character constants need single quotes.

Use: INSERT INTO users(user_name, name, password,email) VALUES ('user2','first last','password1', '' );

See the manual:…

Note: After I encountered the same problem and almost missed the answer that exists in this page (at the comments section), thanks to @a-horse-with-no-name - I've posted this answer

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