The Identifier That Starts with ...... Is Too Long. Maximum Length Is 128

The identifier that starts with ...... is too long. Maximum length is 128

According to ANSI SQL standard, double quotes are used (if necessary) for object identifiers (ex. UPDATE "hotel" ...) and not as string delimiters ("Overview of Park Central ..."). SQL Server has this behavior when QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is ON.

Edit 1:
The usage of single and double quotation marks as delimiters for object identifiers (including column aliases) is described below:

                        Delimiter   Delimiter
for for
SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER Object ID Alias ID StringDelimiter
ON " or [] " or ' or [] '
OFF [] " or ' or [] " or '
  • ON then double quotes can be used as delimiter for object identifiers (including column aliases) and single quotes are used as delimiters for string literals and/or for column aliases (SELECT Column1 AS 'Alias1' ....)identifiers.
  • OFF then double quotes can be used as delimiter for columns aliases (SELECT Column1 AS "Alias1" ...) and as delimiter for string literals (SELECT "String1" AS Alias1 ...). Single quotation marks can be used as string delimiter and as delimiter for column aliases (SELECT Column1 ASAlias1...).

Use instead single quotes:

update hotel 
set hotel_policy = 'Overview of Park Central ...'
where hotel_id = 1

Sql Query throws Identifier is too long. Maximum length is 128

Use single quotes and escape your quotes in the text with two single quotes:

update dbo.DataSettings set
set Query= '/Details?$filter=(Status ne ''yes'' and Status ne ''ok'')&$expand=name,Address/street,phone/mobile&$orderby=details/Id desc'
where id=5

is too long. Maximum length is 128. while using double quotes

I have found a solution for that: I have to execute the SP with SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF before exec SP, I had SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF - in my SP - but it has to be executed every time I execute SP. (SP is executed in the software.)


Exec [TestLog]
@PrimaryName = "test"
,@ERROR = "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__AP__2EC21549E681BC94'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Test'. The duplicate key value is (215009).
The statement has been terminated."

Then I will avoid a a 128 len probmem.

SQL Server : FOR XML PATH: the identifier that starts with ... is too long. maximum length is 128

There is no setting that you can change for this. The issue that you're running into is detailed here. Search that page for "identifier" and you'll see that the 128 length is hard-coded.

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