How to Select The First 100 Characters in SQL Server

How can I select the first 100 characters in SQL Server?

Try this:

 SELECT LEFT (your_column, 100) FROM your_table 


you can also try something like this:

  SELECT LEFT (your_column, LEN(your_column)-5) FROM your_table 

for say if you want to trim the last 5 characters from a record.

How to get first character of a string in SQL?

LEFT(colName, 1) will also do this, also. It's equivalent to SUBSTRING(colName, 1, 1).

I like LEFT, since I find it a bit cleaner, but really, there's no difference either way.

How to Select first 30 chars in a sql query?

SELECT left(ColName,20) AS First20 /*(Or 30 if we are looking at the title)*/
FROM YourTable

T-SQL: Selecting top n characters from a text or ntext column

I think SUBSTRING would be a better choice. Try this:

C.FirstName + ' ' + C.LastName AS CustomerName
,SUBSTRING(C.TestimonialText,1,50) AS TestimonialSnippet
FROM Customer AS C
ORDER BY SUBSTRING(C.TestimonialText,1,50) DESC

How to get the first n characters of a string but ending with a whole word

If I understand your requirements correctly, I think you want the following:

SELECT '123 4056 78789 abcdefg 2222222222 3333 444 55555' AS [text], 22 AS [length]
SELECT LEFT([text], LEN([text]) - CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE([text]), LEN([text]) - [length]))

(I put everything into the WITH clause just so I can refer to the column names instead of plugging in your values.)

Please see SQL Fiddle demo here. I tested it with values of 22 and 32 for length.

UPDATE per comments below:

SELECT '123 4056 78789 abcdefg 2222222222 3333 444 55555' AS [text], 22 AS [length]
SELECT LEFT([text], LEN([text]) - CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE([text]) + ' ', LEN([text]) - [length]) + 1)

MySQL Select Query - Get only first 10 characters of a value

Using the below line

SELECT LEFT(subject , 10) FROM tbl 

MySQL Doc.

SQL query to display the length and first 3 characters of ename column in emp table

Hi Shanu,
You can use LEN() or LENGTH()(in case of oracle sql) function to get the length of a column.

SELECT LEN(column_name) FROM table_name;

And you can use SUBSTRING or SUBSTR() function go get first three characters of a column.

SUBSTRING( string, start_position, length );
SELECT SUBSTRING( column_name, 1, 3 ) FROM table_name;

To get both together use concatenation operator,

 SELECT LEN(column_name)||SUBSTRING( column_name, 1, 3 ) FROM table_name;

Hope you got what you need. Any issues, feel free to ask

Select everything after a character in SQL Server

If all the string starts with X then you just can select substring starting from second character as below:

select substring('X1234',2,len('X1234'))

Or if there is chance to start with other characters then first you can use case when check whether the first character is X or not.

select case when left('X1234',1)='X' then substring('X1234',2,len('X1234'))end

get the first n characters of getdate()

If you want the format yyyy-MM-dd hh then can do this:

SELECT CONVERT(varchar(13),GETDATE(),120);


You can find a full list of all the style codes for CONVERT in the documentation: Date and Time Styles

However, it looks like you want to check if the date is within the current hour. That would be:


This explicitly avoids any functions on the column EVENT_TIME_column; which would make the query non-SARGable.

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