Sqlite Query, 'Like'

SQLite query, 'LIKE'

Execute following Query:

select name from memberdb where name like '% LIM %' OR name like "LIM %" OR name like "% LIM" OR name like "LIM"

LIKE query in sqlite3

SQLite does not support an enhanced LIKE operator which supports the syntax you are using (though SQL Server does). SQLite does support the REGEXP operator, but it needs to be loaded. However, we can phrase your query using LIKE as follows:

FROM customers
WHERE city LIKE 'a%' OR city LIKE 'c%' OR city LIKE 's%';

Android SQLite Like query

The % wildcards must be part of the string:

... + " LIKE '%" + strname+ "%'", ...

Please note that this code will blow up when the string contains a quote.
You should use parameters instead:

db.query(true, DATABASE_TABLE,
new String[] { "%" + strname + "%" },
null, null, null, null);

How to perform LIKE query in Sqlite with a List of query String

But I want to combine this two statement in one single line.

Why you just don't use OR operator between LIKE conditions ? :)

I mean

SELECT * FROM table_one WHERE dates LIKE '%dayOfMonth":3%' OR dates LIKE '%dayOfMonth":5%' 

General rule here: don't use REGEXP in WHERE conditions if you don't have to. With regexp you lose INDEX search advantage..

Android Sqlite Like operator with OR statements

You never bind parameters for the second and third LIKE expressions in your query. Edit: If you want to use the same LIKE expression several times, you still need to bind however many times you have placeholders.

string[] a = new string[3];
string likeString = '%' + query + '%';
a[0] = '%' + query + '%';
a[1] = '%' + query + '%';
a[2] = '%' + query + '%';

var sqldb_query = "SELECT * FROM MYTABLE WHERE Col_1 LIKE ? OR Col_2 LIKE ? OR Col_3 LIKE ?";
var sqldb_cursor = myDb.RawQuery(sqldb_query, a);

How to query in sqlite using like keyword with column name?

The string concatenation operator in SQLite is ||. And you can express this as a JOIN:

ON A.A2 LIKE '%' || B.B2 || '%'
WHERE B.B1 = 1;

Note that || is the SQL standard string concatenation operator. + is overloaded in just a handful of databases owned by Microsoft (mostly).

SQLite - Using LIKE Clause with AND Clause

Change query as below

String selection = COLUMN_1 + " LIKE ? AND " + COLUMN_2 + " =? AND " + COLUMN_3 + " =?"

SQLite: Select using LIKE '%?%' with rawQuery

The Problem is with the SQL query you have used.

you are giving ? A String which is not acceptable for prepare statements.
select distinct * from table_name where X like '%?%'; is not correct because ? will be a string with double quotation inside a quotation like '%"your_string"%'.

instead write:

select distinct * from table_name where X like ?;

and for ? use "'%your_string%'". you can apply this to your array of string too.

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