How to Hide Result Set Decoration in Psql Output

How to hide result set decoration in Psql output

You can use the -t or --tuples-only option:

psql --user=myuser -d mydb --output=result.txt -t -c "SELECT * FROM mytable;"

Edited (more than a year later) to add:

You also might want to check out the COPY command. I no longer have any PostgreSQL instances handy to test with, but I think you can write something along these lines:

psql --user=myuser -d mydb -c "COPY mytable TO 'result.txt' DELIMITER ','"

(except that result.txt will need to be an absolute path). The COPY command also supports a more-intelligent CSV format; see its documentation.

Disable wrapping in Psql output

Psql uses a system viewer to show its output in the console. In bash it likely uses less for the scrollable/page-able features it provides. To use a different viewer or use different settings, you just need to set the PAGER environment variable.

Running psql to use less with the -S or --chop-long-lines option seemed to work for me:

PAGER="less -S" psql

You can also enable this feature while viewing output in less by typing -S and Enter.

how to turn off setval output when import psql dump

The "quiet" option -q is defined as: "run quietly (no messages, only query output)".

The result of setval() is a query result, not a message, so the quiet option doesn't suppress this.

If you don't want to see query results, you can redirect their output to /dev/null using the -o switch:

psql -o /dev/null -q -U postgres -d myDB -f /Users/hoaphan/dev/postgres_dump -p 5432

(I can't test it on Linux right now, but the equivalent thing works on Windows)

How to hide column header from the result set output?

Assuming your mean the column header then give the first field in the query an alias like:

select email_address AS Whatever
from company_digital
where email_address is not null
and email_address is not null
and hash_id >=700 and hash_id <800
select email_address_2
from company_digital
where email_address_2 is not null
and email_address_2 is not null
and hash_id >=700 and hash_id <800
select email_address_3
from company_digital
where email_address_3 is not null
and email_address_3 is not null
and hash_id >=700 and hash_id <800;

Which would output:

| Whatever |


select email_address AS ' '
from company_digital
where email_address is not null
and email_address is not null
and hash_id >=700 and hash_id <800
select email_address_2
from company_digital
where email_address_2 is not null
and email_address_2 is not null
and hash_id >=700 and hash_id <800
select email_address_3
from company_digital
where email_address_3 is not null
and email_address_3 is not null
and hash_id >=700 and hash_id <800;

Which would output:

|  |


SELECT email_address AS ' '
FROM company_digital
WHERE email_address IS NOT NULL
AND hash_id BETWEEN 700 AND 800
SELECT email_address_2
FROM company_digital
WHERE email_address_2 IS NOT NULL
AND hash_id BETWEEN 700 AND 800
SELECT email_address_3
FROM company_digital
WHERE email_address_3 IS NOT NULL
AND hash_id BETWEEN 700 AND 800;

Or depending on your data...

THEN email_address
WHEN email_address_2 IS NOT NULL
THEN email_address_2
WHEN email_address_3 IS NOT NULL
THEN email_address_3
END AS ' '
FROM company_digital
WHERE hash_id BETWEEN 700 AND 800

disable NOTICES in psql output

SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;

That could be set only for the session or made persistent with ALTER ROLE or ALTER DATABASE.

Or you could put that in your ".psqlrc".

PostgreSQL - How to suppress query statement message

-a or --echo-all echoes all input from script. You won't need that. Include --tuples-only or the -t flag to print rows only like so:

psql -U postgres -d rails_development --tuples-only -f ProjectApp/db/Query.sql

psql --help says:

Input and output options:
-a, --echo-all echo all input from script
-e, --echo-queries echo commands sent to server

Output format options:
-R, --record-separator=STRING
set record separator (default: newline)
-t, --tuples-only print rows only

How to get output of a sql with additional special characters

Since you're using double quotes around the argument, double quotes inside the argument must be escaped with a backslash:

psql -c "select distinct '\"'||runweek||'\" numeric ,' from calendar where runweek between current_runweek()-2 and current_runweek() order by 1;"

Heredoc can also be used instead of -c. It accepts multi-line formatting so that makes the whole thing more readable.

(psql [arguments] <<EOF
select distinct '"'||runweek||'" numeric ,'
from calendar
where runweek between current_runweek()-2 and current_runweek()
order by 1;
) > output

By using quote_ident which is specifically meant to produce a quoted identifier from a text value, you don't even need to add the double quotes. The query could be like:

select string_agg( quote_ident(runweek::text), ',' order by runweek)
from calendar
where runweek between current_runweek()-2 and current_runweek();

which also solves the problem that your original query has a stray ',' at the end, whereas this form does not.

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