SQL to Linq Tool

SQL to LINQ Tool

Edit 7/17/2020: I cannot delete this accepted answer. It used to be good, but now it isn't. Beware really old posts, guys. I'm removing the link.

[Linqer] is a SQL to LINQ converter tool. It helps you to learn LINQ and convert your existing SQL statements.

Not every SQL statement can be converted to LINQ, but Linqer covers many different types of SQL expressions. Linqer supports both .NET languages - C# and Visual Basic.

LinqPad - Convert SQL to Linq command

In general there are no tools to covert SQL to Linq as @andres-abel mention before, but sometimes you have to write Linq that will execute exactly as specified SQL (for example because of performance issues, backward compatability or some other reasons).

In this case I'll advice you to do reverse engineering by yourself:

  1. configure logging of dump SQL statements generated by Linq to stdout using

    • ObjectQuery.ToTraceString,
    • DbCommand.CommandText,
    • logger availabe to your data source
  2. manually rewrite Linq statement until you'll get what you need

Converting a SQL to Linq Query

Bit complex query, giving my best to make it work.

var result = table.AsEnumerable().Where(u=> u.Field<DateTime>("createdTime") > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7)) //subtract a week
.GroupBy(g=> new { userid = g.Field<string>("userId") , span = g.Field<DateTime>("createdTime").Minute })
.Select(g=> new { userid = g.Key.userid, count = g.Count()})
.GroupBy(g=> g.userid ).Select(s=> new {userid = s.Key, count = s.Count()});

Working Demo

Convert SQL to LINQ to SQL

See this existing thread.

If you decide to do it by hand, Linqpad should be useful.

Assistance to convert my SQL query to LINQ?

I believe this should be equivalent:

var productType = "Yarn";
var productId = 2835;
var query =
from st in ctx.StockDetails
where st.ProductType == productType
where st.ProductId == productId
orderby st.CreationDate descending
let suppliers =
from suo in ctx.SupplierOrders
join su in ctx.Suppliers on suo.SupplierId equals su.Id
where suo.Id == st.SupplierCmdId
select su
from su in suppliers.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
SupplierId = su.Id,

Convert SQL to LINQ Query

Have you tried Linqer http://www.sqltolinq.com

An SQL-> LINQ converter..


convert sql to linq

One of good tool to convert SQL to Linq : Linqer

Try out this query

var q = (from r in Room 
join v in Reservation on r.RoomID equals v.RoomID into outer
from o in outer.DefaultIfEmpty()
where !(o.Date_Check_Out<= startdate || o.Date_Check_In>=endDate)
&& v.cancel == 0 && v.ReservationID == null
select r);

Also check this :

See SQL to LINQ Tool
existing thread.

If you decide to do it by hand, Linqpad should be useful.

You also like to see : SQL to LINQ ( Visual Representation ) some good exaple by graphical representation...

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