SQL Server Cte Parent Child Recursive

CTE to get all children (descendants) of a parent

This should do it:

WITH MyTest as
SELECT P.ProductID, P.ParentID, CAST(P.ProductID AS VarChar(Max)) as Level
FROM Products P
WHERE P.ParentID = 0


SELECT P1.ProductID, P1.ParentID, CAST(P1.ProductID AS VarChar(Max)) + ', ' + M.Level
FROM Products P1
ON M.ProductID = P1.ParentID
SELECT * From MyTest

And here's the updated SQL Fiddle.

Also, check out this link for help with CTEs... They're definitely good to know:

Hope this does the trick!

Recursive CTE for parent and child relationship in SQL Server

You could move the start condition inside the CTE:

; with  parents as
select child_product_id
, parent_product_id
from product
where child_product_id = 392193
and parent_product_id = 392193
union all
select e.child_product_id
, e.parent_product_id
from parents m
join product e
on e.parent_product_id = m.child_product_id
select *
from parents
option (maxrecursion 0)

An index on (parent_product_id, child_product_id) would help.

Usually, a child record refers to the primary key of its parent record. In your case, there's something unusual going on, with the parent having a "child_product_id". Some more information on this construct would clarify your question.

Recursive CTE to find Total for all children parent and depth

One option is to use the data type hierarchyid


;with cteP as (
Select ID
,HierID = convert(hierarchyid,concat('/',ID,'/'))
From #Temp
Where parentid is null
Union All
Select ID = r.ID
,parentid = r.parentid
,Name = r.Name
,HierID = convert(hierarchyid,concat(p.HierID.ToString(),r.ID,'/'))
From #Temp r
Join cteP p on r.parentid = p.ID)
Select ID
,Path = HierID.ToString()
,Depth = ( Select max(HierID.GetLevel() ) from cteP where HierID.ToString() like A.HierID.ToString()+'%') - HierID.GetLevel()
,Lvl = HierID.GetLevel()
,ChildCnt = ( Select count(*) from cteP where HierID.ToString() like A.HierID.ToString()+'%') -1
,ParentCnt = len(HierID.ToString()) - len(replace(HierID.ToString(),'/','')) - 2
From cteP A
Order By A.HierID


Sample Image

How to expand parent-child hierarchy recursively using CTE

You need a recursive CTE for this:

with cte as (
select id, id as childid, 1 as lev
from t
-- where parentid is null
union all
select cte.id, t.id, lev + 1
from cte join
on cte.childid = t.parentid
where lev < 10 and t.id <> cte.id
select id, childid
from cte
order by id, childid;

Here is a db<>fiddle.

Recursive Parent/Child in same table query in SQL where parent is PK

This produces the results you are asking for:

with cte as (
select idchild, idparent,
convert(varchar(max), idchild) as children
from family f
where not exists (select 1 from family f2 where f2.idparent = f.idchild)
union all
select f.idchild, f.idparent,
concat(f.idchild, ',', cte.children)
from cte join
family f
on cte.idparent = f.idchild
select *
from cte
order by idchild;

Here is the SQL Fiddle.

Recursive query with parent-child relation

Just another option using the data type hierarchyid

There are some additional features and functions associated with hierarchyid


-- Optional See 1st WHERE
Declare @Top int = null --<< Sets top of Hier Try 2

;with cteP as (
Select ID
,HierID = convert(hierarchyid,concat('/',ID,'/'))
From YourTable
Where IsNull(@Top,-1) = case when @Top is null then isnull(parent_id ,-1) else ID end
--Where parent_id is null -- Use this where if you always want the full hierarchy
Union All
Select ID = r.ID
,parent_id = r.parent_id
,Name = r.Name
,HierID = convert(hierarchyid,concat(p.HierID.ToString(),r.ID,'/'))
From YourTable r
Join cteP p on r.parent_id = p.ID)
Select Lvl = HierID.GetLevel()
From cteP A
Order By A.HierID


Lvl ID  parent_id   Name
1 1 NULL P1
1 2 NULL P2
2 3 2 P2-1
2 4 2 P2-2
2 5 2 P2-3
3 6 5 P2-3-1
3 7 5 P2-3-2
1 8 NULL P3
2 9 8 P3-1

Just for fun, If I set @Top to 2, the results would be

Lvl ID  parent_id   Name
1 2 NULL P2
2 3 2 P2-1
2 4 2 P2-2
2 5 2 P2-3
3 6 5 P2-3-1
3 7 5 P2-3-2

CTE to get all children and nested children of every parent

In first part of cte select all the rows with ownid as root id. Then in second part (after union all) select parentid as rootid.

Schema and insert statements:

 create table users (UserID int,  ParentID int);
insert into users values (1, NULL);
insert into users values (2, 1);
insert into users values (3, 1);
insert into users values (4, 2);
insert into users values (5, 2);
insert into users values (6, 5);
insert into users values (7, 6);
insert into users values (8, 6);
insert into users values (9, NULL);


 with cte as
select userid rootid, userid, parentid from users
union all
select cte.rootid rootid, users.userid, users.parentid from users
inner join cte on users.parentid=cte.userid
select rootid parentid,userid from cte
order by rootid ,userid
option (maxrecursion 0)


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