Incorrect Parameter Count in the Call to Native Function 'Datediff'

Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'DATEDIFF'

According to the documentation for MariaDB DATEDIFF only takes two arguments:




DATEDIFF() returns (expr1 – expr2)
expressed as a value in days from one date to the other. expr1 and
expr2 are date or date-and-time expressions. Only the date parts of
the values are used in the calculation.

Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'DATEDIFF' in sql

In MySQL/MariaDB, as opposed to SQL Server, DATEDIFF() takes just two arguments, and returns an integer number of days between them. We have timestampdiff(), which takes three arguments.

Also, getdate() is not a thing in MySQL (this is a bespoke SQL Server function).

You don't really need date functions here. I would phrase this logic using simple data arithmetics:

select *
from customers
where customer_join < current_date - interval 700 day

This expression can take advantage of an index on customer_join.

Depending on whether you want to take in account the time portion of customer_join (if it has one), you might want to use now() instead of current_date.

Use DATEDIFF function with mySQL

From MySQL docs:

DATEDIFF() returns expr1 − expr2 expressed as a value in days from one date to the other. expr1 and expr2 are date or date-and-time expressions. Only the date parts of the values are used in the calculation.

  • DATEDIFF(expr1,expr2)


SELECT DATEDIFF(___Bookings.BOO_DateCI, ___Bookings.BOO_DateCO)

Dismiss iphone keyboard

Have you tried:

[viewReceivingKeys resignFirstResponder];

where viewReceivingKeys is the UIView that is receiving the text input?

error problem with 1582 Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'ISNULL'

MySQL's ISNULL() is a comparison function, that takes a single argument and returns 1 if it is NULL. I think that you meant IFNULL() - or the more standard COALESCE().

I would also suggest moving the check outside of the aggregate function, for better efficiency:


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