SQL Convert 'Ddmmyy' to Datetime

SQL convert 'DDMMYY' to datetime

select convert (datetime,  Stuff(Stuff('311012',5,0,'.'),3,0,'.'), 4)

How do I convert dd/mm/yy into date datatype

Please try this for dd/mm/yy format:

SELECT Convert(date,'01/02/14',3);

or this for dd/mm/yyyy format:

SELECT Convert(date,'01/02/2014',103);

How to convert a dd/mm/yyyy string to datetime in SQL Server?

The last argument of CONVERT seems to determine the format used for parsing. Consult MSDN docs for CONVERT.

111 - the one you are using is Japan yy/mm/dd.

I guess the one you are looking for is 103, that is dd/mm/yyyy.

So you should try:

 SELECT convert(datetime, '23/07/2009', 103)

Convert datetime to ddmmyyyy in SQL server

Select Replace(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE(), 103),'/','')


select substring(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),103),1,2) + substring(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),103),4,2) +

will does the same

Input: 02-07-2014

This will give output:


convert varchar(ddmmyyyy) to date format

ddmmyyyy is not a valid date format. You need to first make that string into something that can be parsed as a DATE / DATETIME. The quickest way might be to simply SUBSTRING the pieces into a mm/dd/yyyy format. That does convert successfully. But you have a VARCHAR(8). So you either need to increase that to be VARCHAR(10) (or better yet, just CHAR(10)), or declare a local variable to hold the altered value.

For example:

DECLARE @Date VARCHAR(8); -- input parameter
SET @Date = '25032014';

DECLARE @Date2 CHAR(10);
SET @Date2 = SUBSTRING(@Date, 3, 2)
+ '/' + SUBSTRING(@Date, 1, 2)
+ '/' + SUBSTRING(@Date, 5, 4);

-- 03/25/2014 2014-03-25

Actually, I found a slightly simpler way. I started out with this method but realized that it did not work with ddmmyyyy as opposed to mmddyyyy. I somehow missed that there was an appropriate date style number for dd/mm/yyyy. So, simply adding two slashes to the incoming string and then calling CONVERT does work, but only if you use 103 as the "style". And like the first solution, it requires either changing the incoming parameter to be VARCHAR(10) or CHAR(10) instead of VARCHAR(8), or creating a local variable to be CHAR(10).

DECLARE @Date VARCHAR(8); -- input parameter
SET @Date = '25032014';

DECLARE @Date2 CHAR(10);
SET @Date2 = STUFF(STUFF(@Date, 3, 0, '/'), 6, 0, '/');

SELECT @Date2, CONVERT(DATE, @Date2, 103); -- 103 = dd/mm/yyyy
-- 25/03/2014 2014-03-25

Conversion "styles" can be found on the MSDN page for CAST and CONVERT.

ddmmyyyy to sql datetime in SQL

Rebuild your format to yyyymmdd.

declare @D varchar(8)
set @D = '23072009'

select cast(right(@D, 4)+substring(@D, 3, 2)+left(@D, 2) as datetime)

From dd-mm-yy hh:mm:ss +tz to datetime in SQL Server

You need to set date format before

SELECT CAST('31-10-18 18:34:05 +00:00' as datetimeoffset)


2018-10-31 18:34:05.0000000 +00:00

Convert dd/mm/yyyy to date in SQL Server

I suspect you have some bogus data. For example

 Select try_convert(date, '15/07/2014', 103)



If 2012+, I would suggest that you

Select *
From YourTable
Where try_convert(date, StartDate, 103) is null

This will identify your problem areas

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