Splitting Delimited Values in a SQL Column into Multiple Rows

Splitting delimited values in a SQL column into multiple rows

If you are on SQL Server 2016+

You can use the new STRING_SPLIT function, which I've blogged about here, and Brent Ozar has blogged about here.

SELECT s.[message-id], f.value
FROM dbo.SourceData AS s
CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(s.[recipient-address], ';') as f;

If you are still on a version prior to SQL Server 2016

Create a split function. This is just one of many examples out there:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.SplitStrings
@Delimiter NVARCHAR(255)
Item FROM (SELECT Number, Item = LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@List, Number,
CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @List + @Delimiter, Number) - Number)))
FROM sys.all_objects AS s1 CROSS APPLY sys.all_objects) AS n(Number)
WHERE Number <= CONVERT(INT, LEN(@List))
AND SUBSTRING(@Delimiter + @List, Number, 1) = @Delimiter
) AS y);

I've discussed a few others here, here, and a better approach than splitting in the first place here.

Now you can extrapolate simply by:

SELECT s.[message-id], f.Item
FROM dbo.SourceData AS s
CROSS APPLY dbo.SplitStrings(s.[recipient-address], ';') as f;

Also I suggest not putting dashes in column names. It means you always have to put them in [square brackets].

Split column data into multiple rows

Using Jeff's DelimitedSplit8K

with cte as
select id, prodlines, ItemNumber, Item = ltrim(Item),
grp = dense_rank() over (partition by id order by replace(replace(ltrim(Item), '(Read)', ''), '(Write)', ''))
from #prodLines pl
cross apply dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(prodlines, ',') c
select id, prodlines, prod = stuff(prod, 1, 1, '')
from cte c
cross apply
select ',' + Item
from cte x
where x.id = c.id
and x.grp = c.grp
order by x.Item
for xml path('')
) i (prod)

How to split comma delimited data from one column into multiple rows

If you are on SQL Server 2016 or better, you can use OPENJSON() to split up the code values instead of cumbersome string operations:

SELECT t.Employee_FullName,
Code = LTRIM(j.value),
Hours = MAX(CASE j.[key]
WHEN 0 THEN RegularTime
WHEN 1 THEN DoubleTime
WHEN 2 THEN Overtime END)
FROM dbo.MyTable AS t
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON('["' + REPLACE(t.Code,',','","') + '"]') AS j
GROUP BY t.Employee_FullName, LTRIM(j.value);
  • Example db<>fiddle

Splitting string in column in table which has multiple values into separate rows

split_string return value is a table, so you can't use it as column

SELECT [server], STRING_SPLIT([Environment]), ';')
FROM [[dbo].[serverstable]

Thus: it will give you this error:

Sample Image

What you need is: cross join the t1.environment values

 SELECT [server], t2.value
FROM [dbo].[serverstable] t1
CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(t1.[Environment], ';') t2

Split multiple values from a string in one column, into multiple columns using SQL Server

With a bit of JSON and assuming you have a known or maximum number of tags

Select A.CompanyName
,Tag1 = JSON_VALUE(S,'$[0]')
,Tag2 = JSON_VALUE(S,'$[1]')
,Tag3 = JSON_VALUE(S,'$[2]')
From YourTable A
Cross Apply ( values ( '["'+replace(STRING_ESCAPE(Tags,'json'),';','","')+'"]' ) ) B(S)

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