Querying Spark SQL Dataframe With Complex Types

Querying Spark SQL DataFrame with complex types

It depends on a type of the column. Lets start with some dummy data:

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{udf, lit}
import scala.util.Try

case class SubRecord(x: Int)
case class ArrayElement(foo: String, bar: Int, vals: Array[Double])
case class Record(
an_array: Array[Int], a_map: Map[String, String],
a_struct: SubRecord, an_array_of_structs: Array[ArrayElement])

val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(
Record(Array(1, 2, 3), Map("foo" -> "bar"), SubRecord(1),
ArrayElement("foo", 1, Array(1.0, 2.0, 2.0)),
ArrayElement("bar", 2, Array(3.0, 4.0, 5.0)))),
Record(Array(4, 5, 6), Map("foz" -> "baz"), SubRecord(2),
Array(ArrayElement("foz", 3, Array(5.0, 6.0)),
ArrayElement("baz", 4, Array(7.0, 8.0))))

// root
// |-- an_array: array (nullable = true)
// | |-- element: integer (containsNull = false)
// |-- a_map: map (nullable = true)
// | |-- key: string
// | |-- value: string (valueContainsNull = true)
// |-- a_struct: struct (nullable = true)
// | |-- x: integer (nullable = false)
// |-- an_array_of_structs: array (nullable = true)
// | |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
// | | |-- foo: string (nullable = true)
// | | |-- bar: integer (nullable = false)
// | | |-- vals: array (nullable = true)
// | | | |-- element: double (containsNull = false)
  • array (ArrayType) columns:

    • Column.getItem method


      // +-----------+
      // |an_array[1]|
      // +-----------+
      // | 2|
      // | 5|
      // +-----------+
    • Hive brackets syntax:

      sqlContext.sql("SELECT an_array[1] FROM df").show

      // +---+
      // |_c0|
      // +---+
      // | 2|
      // | 5|
      // +---+
    • an UDF

      val get_ith = udf((xs: Seq[Int], i: Int) => Try(xs(i)).toOption)

      df.select(get_ith($"an_array", lit(1))).show

      // +---------------+
      // |UDF(an_array,1)|
      // +---------------+
      // | 2|
      // | 5|
      // +---------------+
    • Additionally to the methods listed above Spark supports a growing list of built-in functions operating on complex types. Notable examples include higher order functions like transform (SQL 2.4+, Scala 3.0+, PySpark / SparkR 3.1+):

      df.selectExpr("transform(an_array, x -> x + 1) an_array_inc").show
      // +------------+
      // |an_array_inc|
      // +------------+
      // | [2, 3, 4]|
      // | [5, 6, 7]|
      // +------------+

      import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.transform

      df.select(transform($"an_array", x => x + 1) as "an_array_inc").show
      // +------------+
      // |an_array_inc|
      // +------------+
      // | [2, 3, 4]|
      // | [5, 6, 7]|
      // +------------+
    • filter (SQL 2.4+, Scala 3.0+, Python / SparkR 3.1+)

      df.selectExpr("filter(an_array, x -> x % 2 == 0) an_array_even").show
      // +-------------+
      // |an_array_even|
      // +-------------+
      // | [2]|
      // | [4, 6]|
      // +-------------+

      import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.filter

      df.select(filter($"an_array", x => x % 2 === 0) as "an_array_even").show
      // +-------------+
      // |an_array_even|
      // +-------------+
      // | [2]|
      // | [4, 6]|
      // +-------------+
    • aggregate (SQL 2.4+, Scala 3.0+, PySpark / SparkR 3.1+):

      df.selectExpr("aggregate(an_array, 0, (acc, x) -> acc + x, acc -> acc) an_array_sum").show
      // +------------+
      // |an_array_sum|
      // +------------+
      // | 6|
      // | 15|
      // +------------+

      import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.aggregate

      df.select(aggregate($"an_array", lit(0), (x, y) => x + y) as "an_array_sum").show
      // +------------+
      // |an_array_sum|
      // +------------+
      // | 6|
      // | 15|
      // +------------+
    • array processing functions (array_*) like array_distinct (2.4+):

      import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.array_distinct

      // +-------------------------------------------+
      // |array_distinct(an_array_of_structs.vals[0])|
      // +-------------------------------------------+
      // | [1.0, 2.0]|
      // | [5.0, 6.0]|
      // +-------------------------------------------+
    • array_max (array_min, 2.4+):

      import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.array_max

      // +-------------------+
      // |array_max(an_array)|
      // +-------------------+
      // | 3|
      // | 6|
      // +-------------------+
    • flatten (2.4+)

      import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.flatten

      // +---------------------------------+
      // |flatten(an_array_of_structs.vals)|
      // +---------------------------------+
      // | [1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3...|
      // | [5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]|
      // +---------------------------------+
    • arrays_zip (2.4+):

      import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.arrays_zip

      df.select(arrays_zip($"an_array_of_structs.vals"(0), $"an_array_of_structs.vals"(1))).show(false)
      // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
      // |arrays_zip(an_array_of_structs.vals[0], an_array_of_structs.vals[1])|
      // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
      // |[[1.0, 3.0], [2.0, 4.0], [2.0, 5.0]] |
      // |[[5.0, 7.0], [6.0, 8.0]] |
      // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
    • array_union (2.4+):

      import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.array_union

      df.select(array_union($"an_array_of_structs.vals"(0), $"an_array_of_structs.vals"(1))).show
      // +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
      // |array_union(an_array_of_structs.vals[0], an_array_of_structs.vals[1])|
      // +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
      // | [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4...|
      // | [5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]|
      // +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
    • slice (2.4+):

      import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.slice

      df.select(slice($"an_array", 2, 2)).show
      // +---------------------+
      // |slice(an_array, 2, 2)|
      // +---------------------+
      // | [2, 3]|
      // | [5, 6]|
      // +---------------------+
  • map (MapType) columns

    • using Column.getField method:


      // +----------+
      // |a_map[foo]|
      // +----------+
      // | bar|
      // | null|
      // +----------+
    • using Hive brackets syntax:

      sqlContext.sql("SELECT a_map['foz'] FROM df").show

      // +----+
      // | _c0|
      // +----+
      // |null|
      // | baz|
      // +----+
    • using a full path with dot syntax:


      // +----+
      // | foo|
      // +----+
      // | bar|
      // |null|
      // +----+
    • using an UDF

      val get_field = udf((kvs: Map[String, String], k: String) => kvs.get(k))

      df.select(get_field($"a_map", lit("foo"))).show

      // +--------------+
      // |UDF(a_map,foo)|
      // +--------------+
      // | bar|
      // | null|
      // +--------------+
    • Growing number of map_* functions like map_keys (2.3+)

      import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.map_keys

      // +---------------+
      // |map_keys(a_map)|
      // +---------------+
      // | [foo]|
      // | [foz]|
      // +---------------+
    • or map_values (2.3+)

      import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.map_values

      // +-----------------+
      // |map_values(a_map)|
      // +-----------------+
      // | [bar]|
      // | [baz]|
      // +-----------------+

    Please check SPARK-23899 for a detailed list.

  • struct (StructType) columns using full path with dot syntax:

    • with DataFrame API


      // +---+
      // | x|
      // +---+
      // | 1|
      // | 2|
      // +---+
    • with raw SQL

      sqlContext.sql("SELECT a_struct.x FROM df").show

      // +---+
      // | x|
      // +---+
      // | 1|
      // | 2|
      // +---+
  • fields inside array of structs can be accessed using dot-syntax, names and standard Column methods:


    // +----------+
    // | foo|
    // +----------+
    // |[foo, bar]|
    // |[foz, baz]|
    // +----------+

    sqlContext.sql("SELECT an_array_of_structs[0].foo FROM df").show

    // +---+
    // |_c0|
    // +---+
    // |foo|
    // |foz|
    // +---+


    // +------------------------------+
    // |an_array_of_structs.vals[1][1]|
    // +------------------------------+
    // | 4.0|
    // | 8.0|
    // +------------------------------+
  • user defined types (UDTs) fields can be accessed using UDFs. See Spark SQL referencing attributes of UDT for details.


  • depending on a Spark version some of these methods can be available only with HiveContext. UDFs should work independent of version with both standard SQLContext and HiveContext.
  • generally speaking nested values are a second class citizens. Not all typical operations are supported on nested fields. Depending on a context it could be better to flatten the schema and / or explode collections


    // +--------------------+
    // | col|
    // +--------------------+
    // |[foo,1,WrappedArr...|
    // |[bar,2,WrappedArr...|
    // |[foz,3,WrappedArr...|
    // |[baz,4,WrappedArr...|
    // +--------------------+
  • Dot syntax can be combined with wildcard character (*) to select (possibly multiple) fields without specifying names explicitly:

    // +---+
    // | x|
    // +---+
    // | 1|
    // | 2|
    // +---+
  • JSON columns can be queried using get_json_object and from_json functions. See How to query JSON data column using Spark DataFrames? for details.

Scala compare dataframe complex array type field

Coming in the reverse way...

val s = Seq(Array(1024, 100001D), Array(1, -1D)).toDS().toDF("myList")

Your schema is like below... DoubleType is coming since these 100001D and -1D are double.


Output you needed:

|-- myList: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: double (containsNull = false)

| myList|
|[1024.0, 100001.0]|
| [1.0, -1.0]|

Or this way also you can do that.

case class MyObject(a:Int , b:Double)

val s = Seq(MyObject(1024, 100001D), MyObject(1, -1D)).toDS()
.select(struct($"a",$"b").as[MyObject] as "myList")


//schema :
StructType(StructField(myList,StructType(StructField(a,IntegerType,false), StructField(b,DoubleType,false)),false))

|-- myList: struct (nullable = false)
| |-- a: integer (nullable = false)
| |-- b: double (nullable = false)

| myList|
|[1024, 100001.0]|
| [1, -1.0]|

Spark / Scala how to write a complex query that iterates through a dataframe and adds a column

You can use a udf function as below for generating the array of string dates in between START_DAY_ID and END_DAY_ID columns

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def days_in_range = udf((start_day: String, diff:Int)=>{
val format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd")
val calStart = Calendar.getInstance
val startDate = calStart.setTime(format.parse(start_day))
val listBuffer = new ListBuffer[String]
for(day <- 1 until diff) {
calStart.add(Calendar.DATE, 1)

diff Integer is derived using dateDiff inbuilt function while calling the udf function as

df1.select(col("COLLECTION"), days_in_range(col("START_DAY_ID"), datediff(to_date(col("END_DAY_ID"), "yyyyMMdd"), to_date(col("START_DAY_ID"), "yyyyMMdd"))).as("days"))

which should give you

| HIVER_19|[20190903, 201909...|
| ETE_19|[20181203, 201812...|

I hope the answer is helpful

Order Spark SQL Dataframe with nested values / complex data types

I'd reverse the order of the struct and aggregate with max:

val result = df
collect_list(struct(col("Date"), col("Paid"))) as "UserPayments",
max(struct(col("Paid"), col("Date"))) as "MaxPayment"

// +---+--------------------+---------------+
// | Id| UserPayments| MaxPayment|
// +---+--------------------+---------------+
// | yc|[[07:00 AM,16.6],...|[16.6,07:00 AM]|
// | mk|[[10:00 AM,8.6], ...|[12.6,06:00 AM]|
// +---+--------------------+---------------+

You can later flatten the struct:

result.select($"id", $"UserPayments", $"MaxPayment.*").show
// +---+--------------------+----+--------+
// | id| UserPayments|Paid| Date|
// +---+--------------------+----+--------+
// | yc|[[07:00 AM,16.6],...|16.6|07:00 AM|
// | mk|[[10:00 AM,8.6], ...|12.6|06:00 AM|
// +---+--------------------+----+--------+

Same way you can sort_array of reordered structs

sort_array(collect_list(struct(col("Paid"), col("Date")))) as "UserPayments"
// +---+-------------------------------------------------+
// |Id |UserPayments |
// +---+-------------------------------------------------+
// |yc |[[2.6,09:00 AM], [16.6,07:00 AM]] |
// |mk |[[5.6,11:00 AM], [8.6,10:00 AM], [12.6,06:00 AM]]|
// +---+-------------------------------------------------+


This is a naive and straight-forward approach, but I have concerns in terms of correctness. Will the list really be ordered globally or only within a partition?

Data will be ordered globally, but the order will be destroyed by groupBy so this is is not a solution, and can work only accidentally.

repartition (by id) and sortWithinPartitions (by id and Paid) should be reliable replacement.

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