SQL Server Process Queue Race Condition

SQL Server Process Queue Race Condition


I googled to check my answer: "Processing Data Queues in SQL Server with READPAST and UPDLOCK". It's been years since I read about and played with this solution.


If you use the READPAST hint, then locked rows are skipped. You've used ROWLOCK so you should avoid lock escalation. You also need UPDLOCK, as I found out.

So process 1 locks 20 rows, process 2 will take the next 20, process 3 takes rows 41 to 60, etc

The update can also be written like this:

ProcessorID = @PROCID
ProcessorID = 0

Refresh, Oct 2011

This can be done more elegantly with the OUTPUT clause if you need a SELECT and an UPDATE in one go.

SQL Server Race Condition Question

Set the Transaction Isolation Level to Serializable.

At lower isolation levels, other transactions can read the data in a row that is read, (but not yet modified) in this transaction. So two transactions can indeed read the same value. At very low isolation (Read Uncommitted) other transactions can even read data after it's been modified (but before committed)...

Review details about SQL Server Isolation Levels here

So bottom line is that the Isolation level is crtitical piece here to control what level of access other transactions get into this one.

NOTE. From the link, about Serializable

Statements cannot read data that has been modified but not yet committed by other transactions.

This is because the locks are placed when the row is modified, not when the Begin Trans occurs, So what you have done may still allow another transaction to read the old value until the point where you modify it. So I would change the logic to modify it in the same statement as you read it, thereby putting the lock on it at the same time.

begin tran
declare @x int
update def set @x= nextcode, nextcode += 1
waitfor delay '00:00:15'
select @x
commit tran

How can I avoid this race condition?

I strongly recommend that you look into tools that have already solved this problem, like PGQ. Queuing is way harder than you expect. This is not a wheel you want to reinvent.

Concurrency is hard

Mihai's answer looks superficially fine, but falls down somewhat in concurrent operation.

Two concurrent UPDATEs can pick the same row (which in his example has used_flag = FALSE). One of them will get the lock and proceed. The other will wait until the 1st runs and commits. When the commit occurs the second update will then get the lock, re-check its condition, find no rows match any more, and do nothing. Thus, it's possible - in fact highly likely - for all but one of a set of concurrent updates to return an empty set.

In READ COMMITTED mode you can still get decent results, roughly equivalent to a single session looping over the UPDATE continuously. In SERIALIZABLE mode it'll fail hopelessly. Try it; here's the setup:

used_flag boolean not null default 'f',
when_entered timestamptz not null default current_timestamp,
data text not null


and here's the demo. Try with three concurrent sessions, following along step by step. Do it once in READ COMMITTED then again with all sessions SERIALIZABLE by using BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE instead of plain BEGIN. Compare the results.

SESSION 1             SESSION2         SESSION 3


UPDATE paths
SET used_flag = TRUE
WHERE used_flag = FALSE



UPDATE paths
SET used_flag = TRUE
WHERE used_flag = FALSE





In READ COMMITTED the first UPDATE succeeds and produces four rows. The second produces the remaining two ee and ff that were inserted and committed after the first update ran. gg and hh are not returned by the second update even though it actually executes after they're committed, because it's already selected its rows and is waiting on a lock by the time they're inserted.

In SERIALIZABLE isolation the 1st UPDATE succeeds and produces four rows. The second fails with ERROR: could not serialize access due to concurrent update. In this case SERIALIZABLE isolation won't help you out, it'll just change the nature of the failure.

Without the explicit transactions the same thing will happen when UPDATEs run concurrently. It's just easier to demo without fiddling with timing if you use explicit transactions.

What about picking just one row?

As above the system works OK-ish, but what if you want to only get the oldest row? Because UPDATE picks the row(s) it's going to operate on before blocking on a lock, you'll find that in any given set of transactions only one UPDATE will return a result.

You'll be thinking of tricks like:

UPDATE      paths
SET used_flag = TRUE
WHERE entry_id = (
SELECT entry_id
FROM paths
WHERE used_flag = FALSE
ORDER BY when_entered
AND used_flag = FALSE


UPDATE      paths
SET used_flag = TRUE
WHERE entry_id = (
SELECT min(entry_id)
FROM paths
WHERE used_flag = FALSE
AND used_flag = FALSE

but these won't work how you expect; when run concurrently both will pick the same target row. One will proceed, one will block on the lock till the first commits, then proceed and return an empty result. Without the second AND used_flag = FALSE I think they can even return duplicates! Try it after adding an entry_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY column to the demo paths table above. To get them to race, just LOCK TABLE paths in a 3rd session; see the examples I give in the following links.

I wrote about these issues in another answer and in my answer to can multiple threads cause duplicate updates on a constrained set.

Seriously, go check out PGQ. It's solved this for you already.

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