Query for How to Add the Missing Dates in SQL

How to fill missing dates by groups in a table in sql

You can do it like this without loops

SELECT p.date, COALESCE(a.value, 0) value, p.grp_no
SELECT grp_no, date
SELECT grp_no, MIN(date) min_date, MAX(date) max_date
FROM tableA
GROUP BY grp_no
) q CROSS JOIN tableb b
WHERE b.date BETWEEN q.min_date AND q.max_date
) p LEFT JOIN TableA a
ON p.grp_no = a.grp_no
AND p.date = a.date

The innermost subquery grabs min and max dates per group. Then cross join with TableB produces all possible dates within the min-max range per group. And finally outer select uses outer join with TableA and fills value column with 0 for dates that are missing in TableA.


| 2012-08-06 | 1 | 1 |
| 2012-08-07 | 0 | 1 |
| 2012-08-08 | 1 | 1 |
| 2012-08-09 | 0 | 1 |
| 2012-08-07 | 2 | 2 |
| 2012-08-08 | 1 | 2 |
| 2012-08-09 | 0 | 2 |
| 2012-08-10 | 0 | 2 |
| 2012-08-11 | 0 | 2 |
| 2012-08-12 | 3 | 2 |

Here is SQLFiddle demo

Query for how to add the missing dates in sql

Form a Date Calender with a start and end date range and perform a left join with your table to get the needed result.


DECLARE @t TABLE(Dt Datetime, Value VARCHAR(20) NULL)
('05/30/2012',NULL),('05/30/2012','Break In'),('05/30/2012','Break Out'),
('06/03/2012',NULL),('06/03/2012','Break In'),('06/03/2012','Break Out'),('06/03/2012','In Duty'),('06/03/2012','Out Duty'),
('06/04/2012',NULL),('06/04/2012','In Duty'),('06/04/2012','Out Duty'),
('06/05/2012',NULL),('06/05/2012','Break In'),('06/05/2012','Break Out'),
('06/06/2012',NULL),('06/06/2012','Break In'),('06/06/2012','Break Out'),('06/06/2012','In Duty'),('06/06/2012','Out Duty'),
('06/07/2012',NULL),('06/07/2012','In Duty'),('06/07/2012','Out Duty'),
('06/10/2012',NULL),('06/10/2012','Break Out'),('06/10/2012','In Duty'),('06/10/2012','Out Duty'),
('06/11/2012',NULL),('06/11/2012','In Duty'),('06/11/2012','Out Duty'),

SELECT @startDate = '2012-05-28', @endDate = '2012-06-14' --yyyy-mm-dd
;WITH Calender AS (
SELECT @startDate AS CalanderDate
SELECT CalanderDate + 1 FROM Calender
WHERE CalanderDate + 1 <= @endDate
[Date] = Convert(VARCHAR(10),CalanderDate,101)
FROM Calender c
ON t.Dt = c.CalanderDate


Date    Value
05/28/2012 NULL
05/29/2012 NULL
05/30/2012 NULL
05/30/2012 Break In
05/30/2012 Break Out
05/31/2012 NULL
06/01/2012 NULL
06/02/2012 NULL
06/03/2012 NULL
06/03/2012 Break In
06/03/2012 Break Out
06/03/2012 In Duty
06/03/2012 Out Duty
06/04/2012 NULL
06/04/2012 In Duty
06/04/2012 Out Duty
06/05/2012 NULL
06/05/2012 Break In
06/05/2012 Break Out
06/06/2012 NULL
06/06/2012 Break In
06/06/2012 Break Out
06/06/2012 In Duty
06/06/2012 Out Duty
06/07/2012 NULL
06/07/2012 In Duty
06/07/2012 Out Duty
06/08/2012 NULL
06/09/2012 NULL
06/10/2012 NULL
06/10/2012 Break Out
06/10/2012 In Duty
06/10/2012 Out Duty
06/11/2012 NULL
06/11/2012 In Duty
06/11/2012 Out Duty
06/12/2012 NULL
06/13/2012 NULL
06/14/2012 NULL

Hope this helps

How to add missing dates when calculating count on a table

One option uses a recursive query to generate the dates. you can then cross join that with the list of distinct items available in the table, and bring the table with a left join. The last step is aggregation:

with cte as (
select min(convert(date, saletime)) as dt, max(convert(date, saletime)) as max_dt from mytable
union all
select dateadd(day, 1, dt), max_dt from cte where dt < max_dt
select c.dt, i.itemid, count(t.id) as sale_count
from cte c
cross join (select distinct itemid from mytable) i
left join mytable t
on t.itemid = i.itemid
and t.date >= c.dt
and t.date < dateadd(day, 1, c.dt)
group by c.dt, i.itemid

In a real life situation, you would probably have a separate referential table to store the items, that you would use instead of the select distinct subquery.

How to fill in missing dates

Here is a query that would work. Start by cross joining all combinations of dates and users (add filters as needed), then left join the users table and calculate quota using the last_value() function (note that if you are using Snowflake, you must specify "rows between unbounded preceding and current row" as documented here):

with all_dates_users as (
--all combinations of dates and users
select date, user
from dates
cross join (select distinct user_email as user from users)
joined as (
--left join users table to the previous
select DU.date, DU.user, U.sent_at, U.user_email, U.score, U.quota
from all_dates_users DU
left join users U on U.sent_at = DU.date and U.user_email = DU.user
--calculate quota as previous quota using last_value() function
select date, user, nvl(score, 0) as score, last_value(quota) ignore nulls over (partition by user order by date desc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as quota
from joined
order by date desc;

Hive SQL query to fill missing date values in table with nearest values

Get next date using lead() function, calculate difference in days, get string of spaces with length = diff in days, split, use posexplode to generate rows, use position to add to date to get missing dates:

with mytable as (--Demo dataset, use your table instead of this
select stack(10, --number of tuples
) as (account_name,available_balance,Date_of_balance)
) --use your table instead of this CTE

select account_name, available_balance, date_add(Date_of_balance,e.i) as Date_of_balance
( --Get next_date to generate date range
select account_name,available_balance,Date_of_balance,
lead(Date_of_balance,1, Date_of_balance) over (partition by account_name order by Date_of_balance) next_date
from mytable d --use your table
) s lateral view outer posexplode(split(space(datediff(next_date,Date_of_balance)-1),'')) e as i,x --generate rows
order by account_name desc, Date_of_balance --this is to have order of rows like in your Converted Table


account_name    available_balance   date_of_balance 
Peter 50000 2021-05-24
Peter 50035 2021-05-25
Peter 50035 2021-05-26
Peter 50035 2021-05-27
Peter 50610 2021-05-28
Peter 50610 2021-05-29
Peter 50610 2021-05-30
Peter 50610 2021-05-31
Peter 51710 2021-06-01
Peter 53028.1 2021-06-02
Peter 53916.1 2021-06-03
Mary 50000 2021-05-24
Mary 50035 2021-05-25
Mary 50035 2021-05-26
Mary 50035 2021-05-27
Mary 50035 2021-05-28
Mary 50035 2021-05-29
Mary 53028.1 2021-05-30

How to get missing dates with 0 value in SQL Server?

To see a particular value, the value must come from a row. So to see dates that don't exist on your login table, you must generated them as rows somewhere.

You can use a simple recursive CTE to generate 1 row per day between a particular interval, then use a LEFT JOIN to join logins that match on that particular day. The ones that don't match will still be displayed, since we are using LEFT JOIN.

DECLARE @GeneratingDateFrom DATE = DATEADD(DAY, -7, GETDATE())
DECLARE @GeneratingDateTo DATE = GETDATE()

;WITH GeneratedDates AS
GeneratedDate = @GeneratingDateFrom


GeneratedDate = DATEADD(DAY, 1, G.GeneratedDate)
GeneratedDates AS G
DATEADD(DAY, 1, G.GeneratedDate) < @GeneratingDateTo
count(distinct L.LoginID) as UserCount
GeneratedDates AS G
LEFT JOIN [Login] AS L ON G.GeneratedDate = CONVERT(date, L.LoginTime)
G.GeneratedDate desc

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