Psql Invalid Command \N While Restore SQL

psql invalid command \N while restore sql

Postgres uses \N as substitute symbol for NULL value. But all psql commands start with a backslash \ symbol. You can get these messages, when a copy statement fails, but the loading of dump continues. This message is a false alarm. You have to search all lines prior to this error if you want to see the real reason why COPY statement failed.

Is possible to switch psql to "stop on first error" mode and to find error:

psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1

A lot of invalid command \N when I try to restore PostgreSQL dump

My problem was solved by setting postgresql-contrib package

sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib

and creating extension uuid-ossp in my db


My db haven't this extension by default and psql could not execute uuid_generate_v1() function from my dump file.
In most cases install postgresql-contrib is enough, but sometimes problem may be in some missed extensions too.

Restoring from Postgres sql file

Oh hi me, it's me

Make sure:

  • Database exists
  • Importing user has permissions
  • Get the first error before \N ones flood in
  • psql -d database -f backup.sql -U user should do the trick for importing

Also eat healthy and get good rest. k bye

psql invalid command \N while restore sql

Postgres uses \N as substitute symbol for NULL value. But all psql commands start with a backslash \ symbol. You can get these messages, when a copy statement fails, but the loading of dump continues. This message is a false alarm. You have to search all lines prior to this error if you want to see the real reason why COPY statement failed.

Is possible to switch psql to "stop on first error" mode and to find error:

psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1

Incorrect PSQL command puts sql in a state that cannot be exited unless exiting from PSQL completely

The '# tells you there is a dangling quote.

To finish the statement enter '); on the '# prompt.

The ' closes the string. The ) ends the VALUES part of the INSERT and the ; ends the whole statement resulting in a syntax error (obviously)

Sample Image

Postgres restoration from pg_dumpall: relation does not exist, invalid command \N

After a lot of hunting around I found some extra library files in the postgres library directory that were from Slony ( and a few files with "slony" in the name), and after copying those to the destination server the import proceeded fine.

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