Count Cumulative Total in Postgresql

Count cumulative total in Postgresql

With larger datasets, window functions are the most efficient way to perform these kinds of queries -- the table will be scanned only once, instead of once for each date, like a self-join would do. It also looks a lot simpler. :) PostgreSQL 8.4 and up have support for window functions.

This is what it looks like:

SELECT created_at, sum(count(email)) OVER (ORDER BY created_at)
FROM subscriptions
GROUP BY created_at;

Here OVER creates the window; ORDER BY created_at means that it has to sum up the counts in created_at order.

Edit: If you want to remove duplicate emails within a single day, you can use sum(count(distinct email)). Unfortunately this won't remove duplicates that cross different dates.

If you want to remove all duplicates, I think the easiest is to use a subquery and DISTINCT ON. This will attribute emails to their earliest date (because I'm sorting by created_at in ascending order, it'll choose the earliest one):

SELECT created_at, sum(count(email)) OVER (ORDER BY created_at)
SELECT DISTINCT ON (email) created_at, email
FROM subscriptions ORDER BY email, created_at
) AS subq
GROUP BY created_at;

If you create an index on (email, created_at), this query shouldn't be too slow either.

(If you want to test, this is how I created the sample dataset)

create table subscriptions as
select date '2000-04-04' + (i/10000)::int as created_at,
'' || (i%700000)::text as email
from generate_series(1,1000000) i;
create index on subscriptions (email, created_at);

Calculating Cumulative Sum in PostgreSQL

Basically, you need a window function. That's a standard feature nowadays. In addition to genuine window functions, you can use any aggregate function as window function in Postgres by appending an OVER clause.

The special difficulty here is to get partitions and sort order right:

SELECT ea_month, id, amount, ea_year, circle_id
, sum(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY circle_id
ORDER BY ea_year, ea_month) AS cum_amt
FROM tbl
ORDER BY circle_id, ea_year, ea_month;

And no GROUP BY.

The sum for each row is calculated from the first row in the partition to the current row - or quoting the manual to be precise:

The default framing option is RANGE UNBOUNDED PRECEDING, which is
ORDER BY, this sets the frame to be all rows from the partition
start up through the current row's last ORDER BY peer

Bold emphasis mine.
This is the cumulative (or "running") sum you are after.

In default RANGE mode, rows with the same rank in the sort order are "peers" - same (circle_id, ea_year, ea_month) in this query. All of those show the same running sum with all peers added to the sum. But I assume your table is UNIQUE on (circle_id, ea_year, ea_month), then the sort order is deterministic and no row has peers. (And you might as well use the cheaper ROWS mode.)

Postgres 11 added tools to include / exclude peers with the new frame_exclusion options. See:

  • Aggregating all values not in the same group

Now, ORDER BY ... ea_month won't work with strings for month names. Postgres would sort alphabetically according to the locale setting.

If you have actual date values stored in your table you can sort properly. If not, I suggest to replace ea_year and ea_month with a single column the_date of type date in your table.

  • Transform what you have with to_date():

      to_date(ea_year || ea_month , 'YYYYMonth') AS the_date
  • For display, you can get original strings with to_char():

      to_char(the_date, 'Month') AS ea_month
    to_char(the_date, 'YYYY') AS ea_year

While stuck with the unfortunate design, this will work:

SELECT ea_month, id, amount, ea_year, circle_id
, sum(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY circle_id ORDER BY the_date) AS cum_amt
FROM (SELECT *, to_date(ea_year || ea_month, 'YYYYMonth') AS the_date FROM tbl)
ORDER BY circle_id, mon;

Postgresql - Cumulative sum of created users

I'd take a two-step approach. First, use an inner query to count how many users were created each month. Then, wrap this query with another query that calculates the cumulative sum of these counts:

SELECT   created_at, SUM(cnt) OVER (ORDER BY created_at ASC)
FROM (SELECT TO_CHAR(created_at, 'YYYY-MM') AS created_at, COUNT(*) AS cnt
FROM users
GROUP BY TO_CHAR(created_at, 'YYYY-MM')) t

Running Count Total with PostgresQL

Just the answer posted to close the question:

-- Set "1" for counting to be used later

COUNT(1) -- Creates a column of "1" for counting the occurrences

FROM orders


ORDER BY deliver_on, client_id



ORDER BY client_id, deliver_on
ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) -- Counts the sequential client_ids based on the number of times they appear


SQL - cumulative sum in postgres

You can use window functions and subtraction:

select t.*,
( initial_amount +
sum(amount) over (partition by item order by date_of_purchase)
) as cumulative
from t;

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