Postgresql Column 'Foo' Does Not Exist

PostgreSQL Column does not exist but it actually does

Try to take it into double quotes - like "Continent" in the query:

SELECT "Continent"
FROM network.countries

PostgreSQL column 'foo' does not exist

You accidentally created the column name with a trailing space and presumably phpPGadmin created the column name with double quotes around it:

create table your_table (
"foo " -- ...

That would give you a column that looked like it was called foo everywhere but you'd have to double quote it and include the space whenever you use it:

select ... from your_table where "foo " is not null

The best practice is to use lower case unquoted column names with PostgreSQL. There should be a setting in phpPGadmin somewhere that will tell it to not quote identifiers (such as table and column names) but alas, I don't use phpPGadmin so I don't where that setting is (or even if it exists).

Error: Column does not exist in postgresql for update

In Postgres, double quote stand for identifiers (such as table or column names). Here, you actually want a string literal, so you need single quotes:

UPDATE public.meditech_ar_test4
SET filename = 'text'
WHERE filename is null;

Some databases (namely, MySQL), tolerate double quotes for string literals, while using other characters for identifiers (in MySQL: backticks). However in that regard Postgres follows the rules of standard SQL, which defines double quotes for identifiers. You should just take the habit of always using single quotes for string literals (most databases do support that).

PostgreSQL column foo does not exist where foo is the value

Correct with the right quote:

    'UPDATE salesforce.Guest__c SET currently_at_property__c = 'foo' WHERE rewards_id ='+rewardsId,

Postgresql ERROR: column ... does not exist In A Simple Query

The problem was, I was writing string with ", not with '.
When I changed the query like:

select *
from "userGroupUserOrganizations"
where "id" = '9fce8e9b-597a-4100-bb3c-efb86aaa83ae';

it worked

PostgreSQL Column foo does not exist

Well, I'd forgot to add parameters into my command, that's why I got this error.

So I fixed it, it worked!

            if (intern.Id > 0)
if (parameterCount == 0)
sql += "WHERE \"Id\"=";
if (parameterCount > 0)
sql += "AND \"Id\"=";
IdParam.Value = intern.Id;
sql += "@Id ";


if (intern.Name != "" && intern.Name != null)
if (parameterCount == 0)
sql += "WHERE \"Name\" ILIKE ";
if (parameterCount > 0)
sql += "AND \"Name\" ILIKE ";
NameParam.Value = intern.Name;
sql += "@Name ";


ERROR: column username of relation public.ae_User does not exist - Postgresql

You should use a double-quoted in the column name because Postgres is folded column to lowercase.

If the column contains uppercase (and/or other syntax violations) you have to use double-quoted

On other hand for text or varchar data has been passed to the column you have to use single-quoted

INSERT INTO "public"."public.ae_User" ("Name", "Username", "Email", "Password", "Salt", "User_type", "Deleted")
VALUES ('Miguel', 'adminMiguel', '', 'admin', 'bla', 3, false)


In my opinion, better change your structure like below:

CREATE TABLE public."ae_User" (
"Id" serial NOT NULL,
"Name" character varying(30) NOT NULL,
"Username" character varying(16) NOT NULL UNIQUE DEFAULT 'Guest',
"Email" character varying(30) NOT NULL,
"Password" character varying(120) NOT NULL,
"Salt" character varying(40) NOT NULL,
"User_type" int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
) WITH (

INSERT INTO public."ae_User" ("Name", "Username", "Email", "Password", "Salt", "User_type", "Deleted")
VALUES ('Miguel', 'adminMiguel', '', 'admin', 'bla', 3, false)

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