Division (/) Not Giving My Answer in Postgresql

Division ( / ) not giving my answer in postgresql

Your columns have integer types, and integer division truncates the result towards zero. To get an accurate result, you'll need to cast at least one of the values to float or decimal:

select cast(dev_cost as decimal) / sell_cost from software ;

or just:

select dev_cost::decimal / sell_cost from software ;

You can then round the result up to the nearest integer using the ceil() function:

select ceil(dev_cost::decimal / sell_cost) from software ;

(See demo on SQLFiddle.)

Division in postgres

Assuming all papers have at least one author:

select count(*) * 1.0 / count(distinct paper_id)
from authors;

The * 1.0 is to avoid integer division.

Division of integers returns 0

You should cast before you divide, but also you were missing a subquery to get the total count from the table. Here's the sample.

count(random_int) as Count,
cast(count(random_int) as decimal(7,2)) / cast((select count(random_int) from test) as decimal(7,2)) as Percent
from test
group by random_int
order by random_int;

postgresql division by zero error handling

I think that you need to add some NULLIF validation to the denominator too and add a COALESCE clause.

WITH query1 AS (
SELECT well_id, produced_at, oil,
(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM age(produced_at,
LAG(produced_at) OVER w))/3600)::int as hourly_rate
FROM public.production
WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY well_id ORDER BY well_id, produced_at

query2 as (
select Well_id, produced_at, nullif(oil,0), hourly_rate,
COALESCE((nullif(oil,0)/nullif(hourly_rate*6,0)),0) as Last_Six_Hours_Of_Production,
COALESCE((nullif(oil,0)/nullif(hourly_rate*12,0)),0) as Last_Twelve_Hours_Of_Production
from query1
Select *
from query2;

Incorrect attempt: Relational Division in PostgreSQL using Not Exist/Not In

You can use EXISTS twice:

select f.*
from Film f
exists (
select 1 from Film_Actor
where film_id = f.film_id and actor_id = 105
exists (
select 1 from Film_Actor
where film_id = f.film_id and actor_id = 122
order by f.title

or by grouping first the Film_Actor table and then join to the Film table:

select f.* from Film f inner join ( 
select film_id
from Film_Actor
where actor_id in (105, 122)
group by film_id
having count(actor_id) = 2
) g on g.film_id = f.film_id
order by f.title

postgresql round division

Actually, when I try your code in Postgres 9.3.4 using pgAdmin, both return the values you want. The values are not in exponential notation. Hence, I suspect this is an issue with your application, not the database.

An easy way to check is to put the value as a string:

select round( 1/100000000::decimal, 8 )::text

This should not return exponential notation.

Performing division with PostgreSQL / json

To extract a scalar value (not another json) use the ->> operator (not ->).

That returns type text. So you also need to cast before doing math on the number:

(manifest ->> 'size')::bigint  -- or numeric? see below!


  • Postgres data type cast

You could do integer division, which truncates, computing 598 like you projected:

SELECT 628032520 / 1024 / 1024  -- 598  -- truncated!

Casting to a floating point number or numeric avoids integer division and shows your sample value to be much closer to 599:

SELECT 628032520.0 / 2^20  -- 598.9384841918945313  -- precise

The numeric constant 123 resolves to type integer, while 123.0 (containing a point .) resolves to numeric.

And 1024 * 1024 = 1048576 = 2^20.

Maybe round? Or keep two fractional digits?

SELECT round(628032520.0 / 2^20)     -- 599    -- rounded
, round(628032520.0 / 2^20, 2) -- 599.94

But consider the built-in function pg_size_pretty() instead which is made for this very purpose:

SELECT pg_size_pretty(628032520.0)  -- 599 MB  -- formatted text
, pg_size_pretty(232520.0) -- 227 kB


SELECT c.name AS customer, i.customer_id, i.captured_at, i.name AS image
, pg_size_pretty((c.manifest ->> 'size')::numeric) AS image_size
FROM public.images i
JOIN public.customers c ON c.id = i.customer_id
WHERE captured_at > date_trunc('day', now()) - interval '12 months'
ORDER BY captured_at DESC;

Should give you:

customer   customer_id   captured_at   image        image_size
Acme Inc 12345 2022-05-31 Central HMA 599 MB

I also fixed a couple other issues with your query.

Assuming captured_at is type timestamptz (like it probably should be), current_date would introduce a dependency on time zone setting of the session, which is a sneaky, unnecessary source of corner-case errors. See:

  • PostgreSQL date() with timezone

And "name" is not a good name.

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