Ora-00972 Identifier Is Too Long Alias Column Name

ORA-00972 identifier is too long alias column name

No, prior to Oracle version 12.2, identifiers are not allowed to exceed 30 characters in length. See the Oracle SQL Language Reference.

However, from version 12.2 they can be up to 128 bytes long. (Note: bytes, not characters).

ORA-00972: Identifier is too long

The quotes are wrong. "cef_tsroma.tsrido" should be "cef_tsroma"."tsrido"...

On edit2: The new names (aliases) are not affective in the WHERE or JOIN clause. To use a example, the column X of the table DUAL can be renamed, but must be addressed with the old name in the WHERE clause:

SELECT dummy AS "myNewName" FROM dual WHERE "myNewName" = 'X';
-- ORA-00904: "myNewName": invalid identifier

SELECT dummy AS "myNewName" FROM dual WHERE dummy = 'X';
-- X

On edit3: Your table and column names look like normal Oracle names, which are case insensitive. So you can remove all the double quotes:

select ct.tsrido         as truck,
ct.dosvlg as ridenumber,
cs.shipmentNumber as shipmentnumber
from cef_tsroma ct
left join cef_v_cw_shipment cs on ct.dosvlg = cs.shipmentnumber
where ct.truck = '104490';

To explain in more details: Oracle table and column names are normally case insensitive. Oracle stores them in uppercase, but you can use them lowercase, uppercase or in any combination in the query.

This changes abruptly if you surround the table or column name with double quotes. Then Oracle insists on exactly that spelling.

So, in your case, the table/view "cef_tsroma" doesn't exists, but cef_tsroma or CEF_TSROMA or "CEF_TSROMA" does...

ORA-00972: identifier is too long - when adding a comment on a table column in Oracle 11g

A series of characters between single quotes is a string. A series of characters between double quotes is an identifier. An identifier would be a table name, column name, data type, etc.

If you try to use an identifier, Oracle tries to resolve that identifier. In this case, it throws an error that the identifier isn't valid (because it is too long) before it throws an error that the identifier isn't valid because there isn't a table named "Primary key of employees table" or before throwing an error that the identifier isn't valid at that particular point in that particular SQL statement because the comment statement expects a string. Theoretically, Oracle could throw any of those errors. It's just that from a workflow perspective, it makes more sense to do the operations that apply to all SQL statements (parsing out identifiers) before trying to analyze the syntax of a particular DDL statement.

Strange Oracle error: Identifier too long ORA-00972

You're using the wrong quotes.

^ ^


SQL> create table t (a varchar(100));
Table created.

SQL> insert into t(a) values ("qasdqsdqsdqsdqsdqsdqsdlmqmsldqsmldqsmldq");
insert into t(a) values ("qasdqsdqsdqsdqsdqsdqsdlmqmsldqsmldqsmldq")
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00972: identifier is too long

SQL> insert into t(a) values ('qasdqsdqsdqsdqsdqsdqsdlmqmsldqsmldqsmldq');
1 row created.

ORA-00972: identifier is too long creating a view

Identifier can be up to 30 characters. you defined identifier with 33 characters (CTM_ServiceCompanySupportGrpAssoc) see dba-oracle

Just reduce the length of your identifier name.

From Oracle 12.2 it will be longer see docs

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