Mysql: What Is a Reverse Version of Like

MySQL: What is a reverse version of LIKE?

Here's a way you can achieve what you describe:

SELECT name FROM user 
WHERE 'John Smith and Peter Johnson are best friends' LIKE
CONCAT('%', name, '%')

MySql LIKE in reverse?

Use LIKE with your column surrounded by wildcards:

FROM books
WHERE 'Harry Potter' LIKE CONCAT('%', titles, '%')

If you have a long term need for such searches, you might want to look into using MySQL's full text search capabilities.

Mysql like search in reverse

FROM tableName
WHERE 'the animal is a fox' LIKE CONCAT('%', animal ,'%')
  • SQLFiddle Demo

Reverse version of sql LIKE in sqlalchemy

Thanks to this question, I figure out how to do that :)

filter(bindparam('book_title', book.title).contains(Book.title)).first()

MySql LIKE in reverse?

Use LIKE with your column surrounded by wildcards:

FROM books
WHERE 'Harry Potter' LIKE CONCAT('%', titles, '%')

If you have a long term need for such searches, you might want to look into using MySQL's full text search capabilities.

MySQL question about reverse LIKEs

You can reverse a like statement. Just using the same syntax as a regular like query:

'value' like concat('%', column, '%')

Of course, if you felt wild and crazy, you could also use instr:

select * from table where instr('value', column) > 0

I don't know which one is faster, since I don't have a MySQL instance to test against, but it's worth trying both to see which wins.

MySql Reverse LIKE clause

I think you are looking for CONCAT syntax

mysql_query("SELECT id FROM urls WHERE '".$url."' LIKE CONCAT('%', domain, '%')")or die(mysql_error());

and then you can check if the query returned any result or not.

inversed use of like withquery builder

Try this:

$qb->expr()->concat('a.lieu', $qb->expr()->literal('%'))
->setParameter('advertLieu', $postedAdvert->getVille()->getName())

For your update I would suggest you do this:

$qb->expr()->in('', ':ids');
->setParameter('ids', $id)

Optimise Reverse LIKE query in mysql

Change the query to:

SELECT number
FROM table
WHERE number IN ('1', '12', '123', '1234', '12345', '123456', '1234567', '12345679')

and create an index on number.

If you're performing the query from a programming language, it should be able to create the IN list dynamically using a loop on the input string. If you're doing it entirely in MySQL, you can do it in a stored procedure.

Reverse query with like - laravel eloquent or raw MySQL query

Probably you can use not like operator in this case:

$object = Related::whereHas( function($q)
$q->where('URL', 'not like', 'http%');


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