Inner Joining Three Tables

Inner Joining three tables

select *
tableA a
inner join
tableB b
on a.common = b.common
inner join
TableC c
on b.common = c.common

SQL Inner-join with 3 tables?

You can do the following (I guessed on table fields,etc)

SELECT s.studentname
, s.studentid
, s.studentdesc
, h.hallname
FROM students s
INNER JOIN hallprefs hp
on s.studentid = hp.studentid
INNER JOIN halls h
on hp.hallid = h.hallid

Based on your request for multiple halls you could do it this way. You just join on your Hall table multiple times for each room pref id:

SELECT     s.StudentID
, s.FName
, s.LName
, s.Gender
, s.BirthDate
, s.Email
, r.HallPref1
, h1.hallName as Pref1HallName
, r.HallPref2
, h2.hallName as Pref2HallName
, r.HallPref3
, h3.hallName as Pref3HallName
FROM dbo.StudentSignUp AS s
INNER JOIN RoomSignUp.dbo.Incoming_Applications_Current AS r
ON s.StudentID = r.StudentID
INNER JOIN HallData.dbo.Halls AS h1
ON r.HallPref1 = h1.HallID
INNER JOIN HallData.dbo.Halls AS h2
ON r.HallPref2 = h2.HallID
INNER JOIN HallData.dbo.Halls AS h3
ON r.HallPref3 = h3.HallID

Join three tables on condition

We can do LEFT JOIN on B and C tables separately using id. Now, we can utilize COALESCE(), to consider B.bedrooms first (if not null), else C.bedrooms. Now, there is a chance that both can be null (that is, id does not exist in either of the tables).

In that case, if you don't want those rows, you can put an additional WHERE condition to consider only those id(s), which has atleast one matching row in either B or C.

Here is one way:

COALESCE(B.bedrooms, C.bedrooms) AS bedrooms
from A
left join B on =
left join C on =
C.bedrooms IS NULL)
order by

Inner Join for 3 tables with SUM of two columns in SQL Query?


The problem here is that there are consecutive inner joins and the number of rows getting fetched in the second inner join is not restricted. So, as we have not added a condition on sales_payment_id in the join between the sales and sales_payment tables, one row in sales table(for customer_id 2, in this case) would be mapped to 2 rows in the payment table. This causes the same values to be reconsidered.
In other words, the mapping for customer_id 2 between the 3 tables is 1:1:2 rather than 1:1:1.


Solution 1 : As mentioned by Gordon, you could first aggregate the amount values of the sales_payments table and then aggregate the values in sales table.

Solution 2 : Alternatively (IMHO a better approach), you could add a foreign key between sales and sales_payment tables. For example, the sales_payment_id column of sales_payment table can be introduced in the sales table as well. This would facilitate the join between these tables and reduce additional overheads while querying data.

The query would then look like:

`SELECT c.customer_id,,
FROM customer c
INNER JOIN sales s
ON c.customer_id = s.customer_id
INNER JOIN sales_payments sp
ON c.customer_id = sp.customer_id
AND s.sales_payments_id = sp.sales_payments_id
WHERE s.created_at ='2020-04-03'
GROUP BY c.customer_id,,
s.created_at ;`

Hope that helps!

SQL INNER JOIN using CASE and 3 tables

Start with a basic JOIN between all three tables, on the related columns. Note use of table aliases t - Types, p - Products, a - Availability

FROM Types t
INNER JOIN Products p ON p.Type_Id = t.Type_Id
INNER JOIN Availability a ON a.Availability_Id = p.Availability_Id

Next add a WHERE clause to filter results by the availability status:

FROM Types t
INNER JOIN Products p ON p.Type_Id = t.Type_Id
INNER JOIN Availability a ON a.Availability_Id = p.Availability_Id
WHERE a.Name IN ('Available', 'Reserved')


Type_Id | Name | Product_Id | Name | Type_Id | Availability_Id | Availability_Id | Name
------: | :------------ | ---------: | :------------- | ------: | --------------: | --------------: | :--------
1 | Candy | 1 | Chocolate Name | 1 | 1 | 1 | Available
2 | Chocolate Bar | 2 | Chcoolate Name | 2 | 2 | 2 | Reserved
2 | Chocolate Bar | 3 | Candy Name | 2 | 2 | 2 | Reserved

Finally COUNT(*) the total rows matched, grouping by category (i.e. [Type].[Name])

SELECT t.Type_Id
, t.Name AS Type_Name
, COUNT(*) AS Total_Products
FROM Types t
INNER JOIN Products p ON p.Type_Id = t.Type_Id
INNER JOIN Availability a ON a.Availability_Id = p.Availability_Id
WHERE a.Name IN ('Available', 'Reserved')
GROUP BY t.Type_Id
, t.Name

Type_Id | Type_Name | Total_Products
------: | :------------ | -------------:
1 | Candy | 1
2 | Chocolate Bar | 2

SQL Fiddle

Can you join three tables on the same key if that key could be missing from one or more of the tables?

Here's a version that demonstrates a fully three way full outer join. A successful query will return seven rows:

+------+ +------+ +------+ +------+------+------+
| colA | | colB | | colC | | colA | colB | colC |
+------+ +------+ +------+ +------+------+------+
| 1 | | 2 | | 4 | | 1 | null | null |
| 3 | | 3 | | 5 | --> | null | 2 | null |
| 5 | | 6 | | 6 | | 3 | 3 | null |
| 7 | | 7 | | 7 | | null | null | 4 |
+------+ +------+ +------+ | 5 | null | 5 |
| null | 6 | 6 |
| 7 | 7 | 7 |
select ColA, ColB, ColC
from TableA
full join TableB
on ColA=ColB
full join TableC
on ColC=coalesce(ColA, ColB)
order by coalesce(ColA, ColB, ColC);

The secret is to coalesce the prior table keys in the join condition of each additional table.

You can see it in action here

Join three tables A, B, C and return common in A in mysql

I understand that you want rows from a whose id can be foud in either b or c.

This sounds like two exists subquery:

select a.*
from a
exists (select 1 from b where =
or exists (select 1 from c where =

If you also want columns from tables b or c, you can use two left joins instead, with a where condition that ensures that at least one of the joins did succeed:

select a.*,, c.dept
from a
left join b on =
left join c on =
where is not null or is not null

Write a inner join query for three tables in sql

The right and working query is:
SELECT *, tags.titel AS tags FROM posts_tags INNER JOIN tags ON posts_tags.post_id = INNER JOIN posts ON = GROUP BY;

How to join three tables and set blank fields to null?

A CROSS JOIN produces all the combinations you want. Then a simple outer join can retrieve the related rows (should they exist).

You don't mention the database you are using so a faily standard query will do. For example (in PostgreSQL):

row_number() over(order by, as id,,
case when is not null then end,
from person p
cross join tasks t
left join task x on x.personid_fk = and x.taskid_fk =
order by,;


 id  name  case   st    
--- ----- ------ -----
1 Anna null null
2 Anna null null
3 Luo 13:00 true
4 Luo 14:00 false
5 John null null
6 John null null

See running example at DB Fiddle.

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