How to Specify a Password to 'Psql' Non-Interactively

How do I specify a password to 'psql' non-interactively?

From the official documentation:

It is also convenient to have a ~/.pgpass file to avoid regularly having to type in passwords. See Section 30.13 for more information.


This file should contain lines of the following format:


The password field from the first line that matches the current connection parameters will be used.

Postgresql: Scripting psql execution with password

You may wish to read a summary of the ways to authenticate to PostgreSQL.

To answer your question, there are several ways provide a password for password-based authentication:

  1. Via the password prompt. Example:

    psql -h -U foo
    Password for user foo:
  2. In a pgpass file. See libpq-pgpass. Format:

  3. With the PGPASSWORD environment variable. See libpq-envars. Example:

    export PGPASSWORD=yourpass
    psql ...

    # Or in one line for this invocation only:
    PGPASSWORD=yourpass psql ...
  4. In the connection string The password and other options may be specified in the connection string/URI. See app-psql. Example:

    psql postgresql://username:password@dbmaster:5433/mydb?sslmode=require

non-interactive password with createdb command

I just used this instead:

PGPASSWORD="$admin_user_pwd" createdb -U admin_user -h "$db_host" -p 5432 --no-password -e "$db_name"

and it worked. No password file, just the command line.

Psql Command Line Password and Query

Ok guys, found the solution. After a better read of the --help, i figured that


Connexion options are to be used after the query so instead of psql [CONNEXION] -c "blabla"
Use this

psql -c "select * from table" "dbname=dbname user=user password=password host=host"


psql -c "select * from table" postgresql://user:password@host/dbname

Take care about your double quotes too.


How to provide a password for PostgreSQL's createdb non-interactively?

createdb will use the PGPASSWORD environment variable if it's set, that's one simple way of providing a password in non-interactive runs.

Another option would be to set up a .pgpass file in the home directory of the unix user launching the createdb.

How to pass in password to pg_dump?

Create a .pgpass file in the home directory of the account that pg_dump will run as.

The format is:


Then, set the file's mode to 0600. Otherwise, it will be ignored.

chmod 600 ~/.pgpass

See the Postgresql documentation libpq-pgpass for more details.

Can I encrypt posgresql column after I created it?

Based on the information you provided in the question, this should help you for now:

password = crypt('password',gen_salt('bf'))

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