How to Remove All Newline from a Variable in SQL Server

How I can remove all NewLine from a variable in SQL Server?

You must use this query

Declare @A NVarChar(500);

Set @A = N' 12345
154814 ';

Set @A = Replace(@A,CHAR(13)+CHAR(10),' ');

Print @A;

How do I remove line feed characters when selecting data from SQL Server?

The syntax of your statment looks wrong, maybe you can try with something like this:

Select Replace(Replace(@str,CHAR(10),''),CHAR(13),'')

The inner replace relaces LF and the outer replace replace CR

Replace a newline in TSQL

Actually a new line in a SQL command or script string can be any of CR, LF or CR+LF. To get them all, you need something like this:

SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(@str, CHAR(13), ''), CHAR(10), '')

Remove/update line breaks from string in sql columns

If line breaks are always at the end of BOOKTITLE then you can do this update


Removing newline char from string on upload

As comments have pointed out, on windows, instead of: LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' it requires the additional \r like: LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n'

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