How to Find Duplicate Consecutive Values in This Table

How can I find duplicate consecutive values in this table?

Use the lead and lag analytic functions.

create table t3 (d number, v number);
insert into t3(d, v) values(1, 1);
insert into t3(d, v) values(2, 2);
insert into t3(d, v) values(3, 2);
insert into t3(d, v) values(4, 3);
insert into t3(d, v) values(5, 2);
insert into t3(d, v) values(6, 3);
insert into t3(d, v) values(7, 4);

select d, v, case when v in (prev, next) then '*' end match, prev, next from (
lag(v, 1) over (order by d) prev,
lead(v, 1) over (order by d) next
order by

Matching neighbours are marked with * in the match column,

alt text

Count consecutive duplicate values in SQL

I am going to presume that id is unique and increasing. You can get counts of consecutive values by using the different of row numbers. The following counts all sequences:

select grp, value, min(id), max(id), count(*) as cnt
from (select t.*,
(row_number() over (order by id) - row_number() over (partition by value order by id)
) as grp
from table t
) t
group by grp, value;

If you want the longest sequence of 0s:

select top 1 grp, value, min(id), max(id), count(*) as cnt
from (select t.*,
(row_number() over (order by id) - row_number() over (partition by value order by id)
) as grp
from table t
) t
group by grp, value
having value = 0
order by count(*) desc

Count consecutive duplicate values by group

This is a gap-and-islands problem. One method is the difference of row_number()s to identify the groups.

select t.*,
dense_rank() over (partition by id order by (seqnum - seqnum_value), value) as grp,
row_number() over (partition by id, (seqnum - seqnum_value), value order by date) as grp_seqnum
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by id order by date) as seqnum,
row_number() over (partition by id, value order by date) as seqnum_v
from t
) t;

This is a bit tricky to understand the first time you see it. If you run the subquery and stare at the results long enough, you'll get why the difference is constant for adjacent values.


I think Jorge is right. Your data doesn't have the same value repeated, so you can just do:

select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by id, value order by date) as grp_seqnum
from t;

Oracle finding duplicate rows that are consecutive for a given field

The simple solution to only SELECT the relevant data is to use LAG(). For example:

select *,
from (
select t.*,
lag(widgetdesc) over(
partition by widgetid
order by timestampOfTableUpdate
) as prev_desc
from my_table t
) x
where widgetdesc <> prev_desc

Counting consecutive duplicate field with SQL

This is a 'Gaps and Islands' problem, you can try like following.

;with cte 
as (select *,
dateadd(day, -row_number()
over (partition by status, personid
order by [date] ), [date]) AS grp
FROM @table
AS (select *,row_number() over(partition by personid, grp,status order by [date]) rn,
count(*) over(partition by personid, grp) ct
from cte

select ct as count, personid
from cte1
where rn=1

Online Demo

Note: You might not get the rows in same sequence as you don't have any column which can be used for ordering the way you showed in the desired output.

How to select sequential duplicates in SQL Server

This is a gaps and islands style problem, but instead of using two row_numbers(), we use the id and row_number() in the innermost subquery. Followed by count() over() to get the count per grp, and finally return those with a cnt > 1.

select id, companyname 
from (
, companyName
, grp
, cnt = count(*) over (partition by companyname, grp)
from (
select *
, grp = id - row_number() over (partition by companyname order by id)
) islands
) d
where cnt > 1
order by id

rextester demo:


| id | companyname |
| 3 | pigs ltd |
| 4 | pigs ltd |
| 5 | cats ltd |
| 6 | cats ltd |

Counting consecutive duplicate records with SQL

(Edited after comment)

You can do that by assigning a "head" number to each group of consecutive values. After that you select the head number for each row, and do an aggregate per head.

Here's an example, with CTE's for readability:

OrderedTable as (
select value, rownr = row_number() over (order by userid, id)
from YourTable
where userid = 2287
Heads as (
select cur.rownr, CurValue = cur.value
, headnr = row_number() over (order by cur.rownr)
from OrderedTable cur
left join OrderedTable prev on cur.rownr = prev.rownr+1
where IsNull(prev.value,-1) != cur.value
ValuesWithHead as (
select value
, HeadNr = (select max(headnr)
from Heads
where Heads.rownr <= data.rownr)
from OrderedTable data
select Value, [Count] = count(*)
from ValuesWithHead
group by HeadNr, value
order by count(*) desc

This will output:

Value   Count
2 4
3 3
1 2
2 1
2 1
7 1

Use "top 1" to select the first row only.

Here's my query to create the test data:

create table YourTable (
id int primary key,
userid int,
variable varchar(25),
value int
insert into YourTable (id, userid, variable, value) values (3115, 2287, 'votech05', 2)
insert into YourTable (id, userid, variable, value) values (3116, 2287, 'comcol05', 1)
insert into YourTable (id, userid, variable, value) values (3117, 2287, 'fouryr05', 1)
insert into YourTable (id, userid, variable, value) values (3118, 2287, 'none05', 2)
insert into YourTable (id, userid, variable, value) values (3119, 2287, 'ocol1_05', 2)
insert into YourTable (id, userid, variable, value) values (3120, 2287, 'disnone', 2)
insert into YourTable (id, userid, variable, value) values (3121, 2287, 'dissense', 2)
insert into YourTable (id, userid, variable, value) values (3122, 2287, 'dismobil', 3)
insert into YourTable (id, userid, variable, value) values (3123, 2287, 'dislearn', 3)
insert into YourTable (id, userid, variable, value) values (3124, 2287, 'disment', 3)
insert into YourTable (id, userid, variable, value) values (3125, 2287, 'disother', 2)
insert into YourTable (id, userid, variable, value) values (3126, 2287, 'disrefus', 7)

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