How to Display the Value of Avg Function Till Only Two Decimal Places in SQL

SQL AVG() to 2 decimals

Perhaps the ROUND() function would work?

$sql3 = "SELECT ROUND(AVG(app_tests.test_resultPercent),2) FROM app_tests"; 


Your PHP looks strange. You should either alias the average function as a column and access it by that name, or access it by index. Something like

echo "<h3>".$row3[0];

Set two decimal places after AVG function inside PIVOT

You want two decimal positions for all your numbers, even if these digits are not significant. This reads like a pure formatting issue.

I would recommend format():

SELECT Student, 
format([English], '0.00') as [English],
format([Mathematics], '0.00') as [Mathematics],
format([Science], '0.00') as [Science],
format([Programming], '0.00') as [Programming],
format([History], '0.00') as [History]
FROM ...

Note that this turns the numbers to strings - which seems to be what you are actually asking here.

How to return a number with two decimal places in SQL Server without it automatically rounding

You can use floor() and integer division:

select floor(8.23897666 * 100) / 100

Or better yet, use round() with a non-0 third argument:

select round(8.23897666, 2, 1)

How do I retrieve decimals when rounding an average in SQL

The average will have the same data type as the values, so cast the values:

SELECT ROUND(AVG(CAST(column_name AS FLOAT)), 2) FROM [database].[dbo].[table]

How to convert AVG() function to decimal in SQL SERVER

Here we take your INT value and add 0.0 which is a fast conversion to float. Then we apply the round() and convert()

Declare @YourTable table (Qtyshipped int)
Insert into @YourTable values

Select convert(decimal(8,6),round(Avg(Qtyshipped+0.0),2))
From @YourTable



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