How to Convert SQL to Relational Algebra in Case of SQL Joins

How to convert SQL to Relational Algebra in case of SQL Joins?

Relational algebra for:

Find an Id of the Employee who has taken every training.

Actually you need division % operator in relational algebra:

r ÷ s is used when we wish to express queries with “all”:


  1. Which persons have a bank account at ALL the banks in the country?
  2. Retrieve the name of employees who work on ALL the projects that Jon Smith works on?

Read also this slid for division operator:

You also need query % operator for your query: "Employee who has taken all training".

First list off all Training codes:

Training (TrainingCode, TrainingName, TrainingType, TrainingInstructor)

Primary key is: TrainingCode:

TC = TrainingCode(Training)

A pair of employeeID and trainingCode: a employee take the training.

ET = EmployeeId, TrainingCode(Outcome)

Apply % Division operation which gives you desired employee's codes with trainingCode then apply projection to filter out employee code only.

Result = EmployeeId(ET % TC)

"Fundamentals of Database Systems" is the book I always keep in my hand.

6.3.4 The DIVISION Operation

The DIVISION operation is defined for convenience for dealing with
queries that involves universal quantification or the all
condition. Most RDBMS implementation with SQL as the primary query
language do not directly implement division. SQL has round way of
dealing with the type of query using EXISTS, CONTAINS and NOT EXISTS
key words.

The general DIVISION operation applied to two relations T(Y) = R(Z) %
, where X ⊆ Z and Y = Z - X (and hence Z =
X ∪ Y
); that is Y is the set of attributes of R that are not
attributes of S e.g. X = {A}, Z = {A, B} then Y = {B}, B
attribute is not present in relation S.

T(Y) the result of DIVISION is a relation includes a tuple t if
tuple tR appear in relation R with
tR[Y] = t, and with
tR[X] = tS for every tuple in
S. This means that. for a tuple t to appear in the result T of the DIVISION, the value of t must be appear in R in combination with every tuple in S.

I would also like to add that the set of relational algebra operations {σ,,,Χ,-} namely Selection, Projection, Join, Cartesian Cross and Minus is a complete set; that is any of the other original relational algebra operation can be expressed as a sequence of operations from this set. Division operation % can also be expressed in the form of , , and - operations as follows:

T1 <-- ∏Y(R)
T2 <-- ∏Y((S Χ T1) - R)
T3 <-- T1 - T2

To represent your question using basic relational algebraic operation just replace R by Outcome, S by Training and attribute set Y by EmployeeId.

I hope this help.

Convert SQL to Relational Algebra

... and I suppose you meant D.Fname = 'John' in WHERE clause

Convert SQL Query to Relational Algebra

Your SQL code will result in duplicate columns for CustomerCode and the use of SELECT [ALL] is likely to result in duplicate rows. Because the result is not a relation, it cannot be expressed in relational algebra.

These problems are easily fixed in SQL:

FROM Customer NATURAL JOIN Appointment
WHERE Appointment.ServerCode IN
SELECT ServerCode FROM Appointment WHERE CustomerCode = '102'

You didn't specify which relational algebra you are intereted in. Date and Darwen proposed an algebra named A, specified an A language named D, and designed a D language named Tutorial D.

Tutorial D uses operators JOIN for natural join, WHERE for restriction and MATCHING for semijoin, The slight complication is the comparison in SQL:

CustomerCode = '102'

The comparison of a CustomerCode value to a CHAR value in SQL is possible because of implicit coercion. Tutorial D is stricter -- type safe, if you will -- requiring you to overload the equality operator or, more practically, define a selector operator for CHAR, which would typically have the same name as the type.

Therefore, the above (revised) SQL may be written in Tutorial D as:

( Customer JOIN Appointment ) 
MATCHING ( ( Appointment WHERE CustomerCode = CustomerCode ( '102' ) ) { ServerCode } )

Converting a certain SQL query into relational algebra

I don't know. And anybody else is not likely to know either.

RA courses typically limit themselves to the selection, projection and join operators. Aggregations are not typically covered by an RA course. There even isn't any standard approach (that I know of) that the RA takes on aggregations.

What is the operator that your course defines for doing aggregations on relations ? What type of value does that operator produce for its result ? A relation ? Something else ? If something else, how does your course explain doing relational restrictions on that result, given that these result values aren't relations, but restriction works only on relations ?

Algebraically, this case starts with a natural join (produkt x ordre).

[The result of] this natural join is subjected to an aggregation operation. Thus this natural join is to appear where you specify the relational input argument to your aggregation operator. The other needed specs for specifying the aggregation are the output attribute names (total), and the way to compute them (SUM(...)). Those might appear in subscript next to your aggregation operator symbol as "annotations", much like the attribute lists on projection and the restriction condition on restriction. But anything concerning this operator is course-specific, because there isn't any agreed-upon standard notation for aggregations, as far as I know.

Then if your aggregation operator is defined to return a relation, you can specify your aggregation result as the input argument to a restriction with condition "total>=10000".

Library to convert SQL to relational algebra

No, I wouldn't count on it.

SQL is a horrendous language, parsing it is an immense task, and parsing it for the purpose of capturing the original algebraic intent is considered infeasible by just about the whole world, as far as I know.

And then I haven't even begun to mention the various ways in which vendors turn it into something that is actually no less than a completely proprietary language, despite a possible superficial resemblance to what is supposed to be a standard.

And even if such a package existed, what would you do with the output you obtained from it ?

SQL to Relational-Algebra

The first step would be to put the query into words: what is being asked? In this case we want the dates of all concerts where the show at the concert was sung by 'A' and the hall the concert was in was named 'B'. (This step isn't always necessary - in many cases, we could probably generate the RA straight from the SQL - but it's never a bad idea to make sure you understand what it is you're doing).

So let's build your RA statement from the inside out. First, we want to make sure that anytime we look at a show and a concert at the same, we are only looking for the show at that concert, and in this case, the show's id is a field in concert. So your intuition to use natural join/|><| is correct. I've always learned that unless otherwise specified, natural joins will automatically match on all equivalent column names (though I would check with your teacher's standard first), so in this case, we don't need to specify the join condition that the show id's match. Even if we did, that would be a subscript of the join, and not part of the select statement. Next we want to make sure that when we look at a hall and a show, we only look at shows in that hall. So we want to natural join hall to the previous result (note that order of joining matters - you can't naturally join concert and hall if one hasn't already been joined to show).

The next step is to only get the rows of information we want. In this case, the select/sigma statements are pretty easy - just specify that the name and hall must be what you want. Finally, we project/pi only the data element we want from the rows we have retrieved - in this case we will only project the date. After that, we're done. And from your RA so far, I can see that you already have all the operators in the right order, you're just missing the operands!

Note that there are a few other things to consider. You might want to consider using rename/rho on each table to simplify writing things out. Furthermore, if your RA needs to exactly duplicate the SQL, you'll have to use rename, and also replace your natural joins with cross join/X and place the join conditions in your select statement.

Converting SQL Query with Aggregate Function to Relational Algebra Expression in Apache Calcite - No match found for function signature

The problem with the code is that new SqlStdOperatorTable() creates a validator which is not initialized. The correct way to use SqlStdOperatorTable is to use SqlStdOperatorTable.instance().

I found the solution after emailing the mailing list. I would like to thank Yuzhao Chen for looking into the question I had and pointing out the problem with my code.

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