Hierarchical Queries in SQL Server 2005

Retrieving hierarchy in SQL Server 2005

Minimum effort would be:

  • Go to Google and search for SQL Server recursive CTE tutorial: https://www.google.com/search?q=sql+server+recursive+cte+tutorial
  • Open and read 1st link: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms186243%28v=sql.105%29.aspx
  • Write a query such as:

    Declare @EmployeeID int = 4

    ; with list(EmployeeID, TeamLeadID) as (
    Select EmployeeID, TeamLeadID From Employees Where EmployeeID = @EmployeeID
    Union All
    Select e.EmployeeID, e.TeamLeadID From Employees E
    Inner Join list l On l.TeamLeadID = E.EmployeeID
    Where E.TeamLeadID is not NULL
    Select TeamLeadID From list

Recursive Query using CTE in SQL Server 2005

edit OK having actually read the requirements and thought a bit this is actually quite easy (I think!)

The point is that we want two things: the category hierarchy, and a count of products. The hierarchy is done by a recursive CTE, and counting is done outside that:

-- The CTE returns the cat hierarchy:
-- one row for each ancestor-descendant relationship
-- (including the self-relationship for each category)
WITH CategoryHierarchy AS (
-- Anchor member: self relationship for each category
SELECT CategoryID AS Ancestor, CategoryID AS Descendant
FROM Categories
-- Recursive member: for each row, select the children
SELECT ParentCategory.Ancestor, Children.CategoryID
CategoryHierarchy AS ParentCategory
INNER JOIN Categories_XREF AS Children
ON ParentCategory.Descendant = Children.ParentID
SELECT CH.Ancestor, COUNT(ProductID) AS ProductsInTree
-- outer join to product-categories to include
-- all categories, even those with no products directly associated
FROM CategoryHierarchy CH
LEFT JOIN Products_Categories_XREF PC
ON CH.Descendant = PC.CategoryID
GROUP BY CH.Ancestor

The results are:

Ancestor    ProductsInTree
----------- --------------
942 13
943 13
959 9
960 1
961 3

I am indebted to this article by the inestimable Itzik Ben-Gan for getting my thinking kick-started. His book 'Inside MS SQL Server 2005: T-SQL Querying' is highly recommended.

How do I create a recursive query in MSSQL 2005?

On SQL Server 2005 you can use CTEs (Common Table Expressions) :

with Hierachy(CustomerID, ParentID, Name, Level)
select CustomerID, ParentID, Name, 0 as Level
from Customers c
where c.CustomerID = 2 -- insert parameter here
union all
select c.CustomerID, c.ParentID, c.Name, ch.Level + 1
from Customers c
inner join Hierachy ch
on c.ParentId = ch.CustomerID
select CustomerID, ParentID, Name
from Hierachy
where Level > 0

Ordering hierarchy from recursive query results in SQL 2005

Solved the problem using a variation of Mark's method, but I'm not retaining the node path in every node, so I can more easily move them around the tree. Instead I changed my 'OrderBy' column from an int to varchar(3) left-padded with zeros so I can concatenate them into a master 'OrderBy' for all the rows returned.

with tasks (TaskId, ParentTaskId, OrderBy, [Name], RowOrder) as
select parentTasks.TaskId,
cast(parentTasks.OrderBy as varchar(30)) 'RowOrder'
from Task parentTasks
where ParentTaskId is null

union all

select childTasks.TaskId,
cast(tasks.RowOrder + childTasks.OrderBy as varchar(30)) 'RowOrder'
from Task childTasks
join tasks
on childTasks.ParentTaskId = tasks.TaskId

select * from tasks order by RowOrder

This returns:

TaskId ParentTaskId OrderBy Name RowOrder
1 NULL 001 Task One 001
15 1 001 Task One / Task One 001001
2 NULL 002 Task Two 002
7 2 001 Task Two / Task One 002001
14 7 001 Task Two / Task One / Task One 002001001
8 2 002 Task Two / Task Two 002002
9 8 001 Task Two / Task Two / Task One 002002001
10 8 002 Task Two / Task Two / Task Two 002002002
11 8 003 Task Two / Task Two / Task Three 002002003
3 NULL 003 Task Three 003
4 NULL 004 Task Four 004
13 4 001 Task Four / Task One 004001
5 NULL 005 Task Five 005
6 NULL 006 Task Six 006
17 NULL 007 Task Seven 007
18 NULL 008 Task Eight 008
19 NULL 009 Task Nine 009
21 19 001 Task Nine / Task One 009001
20 NULL 010 Task Ten 010

It doesn't allow for an unlimited hierarchy (max 10 levels / max 1000 children per parent node - if I'd started the OrderBy at 0) but more than enough for my needs.

Problem in displaying hierarchical records (SQL Server 2005) [SET BASED]

There are more elgeant ways, but this quick modification will work:

;With bottomupParentChild AS 
SELECT EmpId AS parents, ReportsTo,CAST(EmpName AS VARCHAR(1000)) AS [Path], 0 AS [Level], EmpName
FROM @Employees
WHERE EmpId = @childNode
SELECT i.EmpId AS parents, i.ReportsTo, CAST(gp.[Path] + '/' + i.EmpName AS VARCHAR(1000)) AS [Path],
gp.[Level]+1 AS [Level],i.EmpName

FROM @Employees i
JOIN bottomupParentChild gp ON i.EmpId = gp.ReportsTo
, cteRows (TotalRows)
as (select count(*) - 1 from bottomupParentChild)

SELECT ABS(Level - TotalRows), REPLICATE(' ', ABS(Level - TotalRows)) + EmpName as [Hierarchy]
FROM bottomupParentChild
cross join cteRows
ORDER BY [Path] desc;

I added a second cte that gets the count of rows from the first cte, and use it to "flip" the hierarchy.

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